Melting of ice sheets and glaciers, combined with the thermal expansion of seawater as the oceans warm, is causing sea level to rise. Seawater is beginning to move onto low-lying land and cause billions of dollars in damage. Jump to “Sea Level is Rising and Coasts are Eroding”
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Principle Eight: Climate Change will have Consequences
The Cultural Values are Courage, Compassion, and Endurance
Episode Eight: Wildfire
Episode 8: Wildfire
Transcript with Description of Visuals
Audio |
Visual |
Soft instrumental music: |
View from a helicopter flying into a steep, wooded canyon. The air is smoky, the far end of the canyon obscured by haze. |
I have grown up on this land, like my Sx̣epeʔ, and his Sx̣epeʔ before that. My name is Rylee. |
Rylee walking toward and then entering a blue helicopter. |
We're going into a wildfire to see how the climate affects a burning landscape. |
Helicopter taking off. |
With ever-increasing temperatures due to climate change, severe wildfires are becoming the new norm. |
Helicopter flying over forested mountains, columns of smoke rise from the trees. |
Ron Swaney, a fire management officer, has been fighting fire here for decades. He's seen firsthand how fire behavior has changed. |
Back on the ground, Ron Swaney, Rylee, and Rylee’s grandfather stand in front of a red and white fire-fighting airplane. Ron greets them and they shake hands. |
Ron Swaney: Three things that cause fires to spread: fuels, weather, and topography. And the only one that's the variable is the weather. We're getting hotter, we're getting drier, and the potential is only increasing for wildfire, based on just the climatology and the changes that have occurred. So it's been a dramatic change, both in the number of fires that we get and the amount of acres that we burn. |
Ron talks as Rylee and his grandfather listen. |
Rylee: |
Pilot of the plane sits in the cockpit, readying the plane for flight. Another man walks toward the plane and hands the pilot a bottle of water. |
My Sx̣epeʔ tells me how the tribes use fire as a tool to care for the land. |
Rylee’s grandfather taking to Rylee. |
The forests were kept healthy by thousands of years of burning by our ancestors. |
Black and white historical photo of two teepees set among the trees next to a lake. |
Rylee’s grandfather: Respect the fire, use it a good way, it'll help you. So with the huckleberries, the people knew this a long time ago. |
Rylee’s grandfather talking to Rylee. |
Rylee: |
Black and white historical photo of a group of Salish and Pend d’Oreille people on horses, two men in the foreground, dressed finely, look directly into the camera. |
The old ways are still relevant. |
Helicopter taking off and flying toward the mountains. |
What the Sx͏ʷpaam used to do they now call prescribed burns. They are the same thing. |
Rylee, wearing a helicopter flight helmet, looking out from the flying helicopter. The sky is filled with smoke. |
Fighting fires at a time of year when it will help the forest instead of hurting it. That makes dangerous fire less likely. |
View from the helicopter looking down at a line of fire burning through trees near a road. |
It is hard for us to imagine today, because for over 100 years, we have been trying to keep fire off the land. |
A firefighter in the helicopter looking down at the fire. |
The result is that the forests have grown dense, and are now much more prone to fire. |
View from the helicopter looking out at a tree covered mountain, crisscrossed with roads. Columns of smoke rise in multiple places from the mountain. The sky is filled with smoke. A more close-up view of the forest, smoke everywhere. |
We'll go into October, close to November, with very little moisture, elevated temperatures, and still quite a bit of fire potential. |
Ron Swaney talking to Rylee and Rylee’s grandfather. |
Rylee: |
Fire Fighting plane turning on the runway then taking off. |
I think we have a lot to learn by looking at how our ancestors used fire. |
Rylee and his grandfather smiling and laughing, a fire-fighting plane in the background. |
The land needs the help and knowledge that comes from thousands of years of living in this place. |
A high mountain lake, it’s waters a deep blue-green color. Scene transitions to a row of teepees in a grassy meadow. |
(soft instrumental music) |
The following credits in white text over a black background: |
Principle 8
What You Need to Know About Principle 8: Climate change will have consequences for the Earth system and human lives
The impacts of climate change on humans and the environment has become a focus for tribal, state, and federal governments, resource managers, medical professionals, emergency managers, insurance companies, military planners, and just about everybody else concerned about a livable, sustainable future.
Poverty, a lack of resources, and the absence of political will compound existing problems. Many feel that the challenge of the 21st century will be in preparing communities to adapt to climate change while reducing human impacts on the climate system (known as mitigation). Many jobs, if not entire industries, will emerge to address these complex issues. Indeed, our response to climate change presents tremendous opportunities for young people to make good money while making the world a better place to live.
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Global Impacts
- Mean Global Temperatures are Increasing
The main impact of climate change is predicted to be an increase in global mean temperature over most land surfaces. We have already seen major changes. The sixteen warmest years on record have occurred in the last 17 years. Jump to “Mean Global Temperatures are Increasing”
- Sea Level is Rising and Coasts are Eroding
- Changing Precipitation and Temperature are Altering the Distribution and Availability of Water and in Alaska, Permafrost is Thawing
Climate plays an important role in the global distribution of freshwater resources. Changing precipitation patterns and temperature conditions are changing the distribution and availability of freshwater. Winter snowpack and mountain glaciers are declining as a result of global warming. Jump to “Changing precipitation and temperature are altering the distribution and availability of water”
- Extreme Weather Events are Increasing
Incidents of extreme weather are increasing as a result of climate change. Many locations are seeing a substantial increase in the number of heat waves they experience per year and a decrease in episodes of severe cold. Precipitation events are becoming less frequent but more intense in many areas, and droughts are becoming more frequent and severe in areas where average precipitation is projected to decrease. Jump to “Extreme weather events are increasing”
- Oceans are Becoming more Acidic
The chemistry of ocean water is changed by absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere is causing ocean water to become more acidic, threatening the survival of shell-building marine species and the entire food web of which they are a part. Jump to “Oceans are Becoming More Acidic”
- Ecosystems are Changing
Ecosystems on land and in the ocean have been and will continue to be disturbed by climate change. Animals, plants, bacteria, and viruses will migrate to new areas with favorable climate conditions. Infectious diseases and certain species will be able to invade areas that they did not previously inhabit. Jump to “Ecosystems are Changing”
- Climate Change is Altering the Timing of Natural Events
There is now ample evidence that over the last decades, the phenology—the timing of seasonal activities such as timing of flowering or breeding —of many plant and animal species has advanced and that these shifts are related to climate change. Scientists are just now learning how these shifts in timing will impact living systems. Jump to “Climate Change is Altering the Timing of Natural Events”
- Human Health and Mortality Rates will be Affected
Human health and mortality rates will be affected to different degrees in specific regions of the world as a result of climate change. Although cold-related deaths are predicted to decrease, other risks are predicted to rise. The incidence and geographical range of climate-sensitive infectious diseases—such as malaria, dengue fever, and tick-borne diseases—will increase. Drought-reduced crop yields, degraded air and water quality, and increased hazards in coastal and low-lying areas will contribute to unhealthy conditions, particularly for the most vulnerable populations. Jump to “Human Health and Mortality Rates will be Affected”
- Summary of Impacts
Without action, climate scientists have warned that temperatures could rise by nearly 5° C above pre-industrial levels by 2100. World leaders meeting in Paris hope to keep average global surface temperature rises below 2° C – but their pledges to cut emissions could still see up to 3° C according to analyses. While it is very hard to make firm predictions, here are some of the potential impacts. All are for possible temperature rises occurring by 2100. Jump to “Summary of Impacts”
Northeast Region Impacts
- Introduction
Although urban and rural regions in the Northeast have profoundly different built and natural environments, both include populations that have been shown to be highly vulnerable to climate hazards and other stresses. Both also depend on aging infrastructure that has already been stressed by climate hazards including heat waves, as well as coastal and riverine flooding due to a combination of sea level rise, storm surge, and extreme precipitation events.
Sixty-four million people are concentrated in the Northeast. The high-density urban coastal corridor from Washington, D.C., north to Boston is one of the most developed environments in the world. It contains a massive, complex, and long-standing network of supporting infrastructure. The region is home to one of the world’s leading financial centers, the nation's capital, and many defining cultural and historical landmarks.
The region has a vital rural component as well. The Northeast includes large expanses of sparsely populated but ecologically and agriculturally important areas. Much of the Northeast landscape is dominated by forest, but the region also has grasslands, coastal zones, beaches and dunes, and wetlands, and it is known for its rich marine and freshwater fisheries. These natural areas are essential to recreation and tourism sectors and support jobs through the sale of timber, maple syrup, and seafood. They also contribute important ecosystem services to broader populations – protecting water supplies, buffering shorelines, and sequestering carbon in soils and vegetation. The twelve Northeastern states have more than 180,000 farms, with $17 billion in annual sales. The region’s ecosystems and agricultural systems are tightly interwoven, and both are vulnerable to a changing climate.
Although urban and rural regions in the Northeast have profoundly different built and natural environments, both include populations that have been shown to be highly vulnerable to climate hazards and other stresses. Both also depend on aging infrastructure that has already been stressed by climate hazards including heat waves, as well as coastal and riverine flooding due to a combination of sea level rise, storm surge, and extreme precipitation events.
The Northeast is characterized by a diverse climate. Average temperatures in the Northeast generally decrease to the north, with distance from the coast, and at higher elevations. Average annual precipitation varies by about 20 inches throughout the Northeast with the highest amounts observed in coastal and select mountainous regions. During winter, frequent storms bring bitter cold and frozen precipitation, especially to the north. Summers are warm and humid, especially to the south. The Northeast is often affected by extreme events such as ice storms, floods, droughts, heat waves, hurricanes, and major storms in the Atlantic Ocean off the northeast coast, referred to as nor’easters. However, variability is large in both space and time. For example, parts of southern New England that experienced heavy snows in the cold season of 2010-2011 experienced little snow during the cold season of 2011-2012. Of course, even a season with low totals can feature costly extreme events; snowfall during a 2011 pre-Halloween storm that hit most of the Northeast, when many trees were still in leaf, knocked out power for up to 10 days for thousands of households.
. - Observed Climate Change
Observed Climate Change
Between 1895 and 2011, temperatures in the Northeast increased by almost 2˚F (0.16˚F per decade), and precipitation increased by approximately five inches, or more than 10% (0.4 inches per decade). Coastal flooding has increased due to a rise in sea level of approximately 1 foot since 1900. This rate of sea level rise exceeds the global average of approximately 8 inches, due primarily to land subsidence, although recent research suggests that changes in ocean circulation in the North Atlantic – specifically, a weakening of the Gulf Stream – may also play a role.
The Northeast has experienced a greater recent increase in extreme precipitation than any other region in the United States; between 1958 and 2010, the Northeast saw more than a 70% increase in the amount of precipitation falling in very heavy events (defined as the heaviest 1% of all daily events).
. - Projected Climate Change
Projected Climate Change
Heat waves, heavy downpours, and sea level rise pose growing challenges to many aspects of life in the Northeast. Infrastructure, agriculture, fisheries, and ecosystems will be increasingly compromised. Many states and cities are beginning to incorporate climate change into their planning.
As in other areas, the amount of warming in the Northeast will be highly dependent on global emissions of heat-trapping gases. If emissions continue to increase (as in the A2 scenario), warming of 4.5ºF to 10ºF is projected by the 2080s; if global emissions were reduced substantially (as in the B1 scenario), projected warming ranges from about 3ºF to 6ºF by the 2080s.
Figure 1: (Map) Local sea level trends in the Northeast region. Length of time series for each arrow varies by tide gauge location. (Figure source: NOAA1). (Graph) Observed sea level rise in Philadelphia, PA, has significantly exceeded the global average of 8 inches over the past century, increasing the risk of impacts to critical urban infrastructure in low-lying areas. Over 100 years (1901-2012), sea level increased 1.2 feet (Data from Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level).
Under both emissions scenarios, the frequency, intensity, and duration of heat waves is expected to increase, with larger increases under higher emissions. Much of the southern portion of the region, including the majority of Maryland and Delaware, and southwestern West Virginia and New Jersey, are projected by mid-century to experience many more days per year above 90°F compared to the end of last century under continued increases in emissions. This will affect the region’s vulnerable populations, infrastructure, agriculture, and ecosystems.
Figure 2: Projected number of days per year with a maximum temperature greater than 90°F averaged between 2041 and 2070, compared to 1971-2000, assuming continued increases in global emissions (A2) and substantial reductions in future emissions (B1). (Figure source: NOAA NCDC / CICS-NC).
The frequency, intensity, and duration of cold air outbreaks is expected to decrease as the century progresses, although some research suggests that loss of Arctic sea ice could indirectly reduce this trend by modifying the jet stream and mid-latitude weather patterns.
Projections of precipitation changes are less certain than projections of temperature increases. Winter and spring precipitation is projected to increase, especially but not exclusively in the northern part of the region. A range of model projections for the end of this century under a higher emissions scenario (A2), averaged over the region, suggests about 5% to 20% (25th to 75th percentile of model projections) increases in winter precipitation. Projected changes in summer and fall, and for the entire year, are generally small at the end of the century compared to natural variations. The frequency of heavy downpours is projected to continue to increase as the century progresses. Seasonal drought risk is also projected to increase in summer and fall as higher temperatures lead to greater evaporation and earlier winter and spring snowmelt.
Global sea levels are projected to rise 1 to 4 feet by 2100, depending in large part on the extent to which the Greenland and West Antarctic Ice Sheets experience significant melting. Sea level rise along most of the coastal Northeast is expected to exceed the global average rise due to local land subsidence, with the possibility of even greater regional sea level rise if the Gulf Stream weakens as some models suggest. Sea level rise of two feet, without any changes in storms, would more than triple the frequency of dangerous coastal flooding throughout most of the Northeast.
Although individual hurricanes cannot be directly attributed to climate change, Hurricanes Irene and Sandy nevertheless provided “teachable moments” by demonstrating the region’s vulnerability to extreme weather events and the potential for adaptation to reduce impacts.
. - Climate Risks to People
Climate Risks to People
Heat waves, coastal flooding, and river flooding will pose a growing challenge to the region’s environmental, social, and economic systems. This will increase the vulnerability of the region’s residents, especially its most disadvantaged populations.
Urban residents have unique and multifaceted vulnerabilities to heat extremes. Northeastern cities, with their abundance of concrete and asphalt and relative lack of vegetation, tend to have higher temperatures than surrounding regions (the “urban heat island” effect). During extreme heat events, nighttime temperatures in the region’s big cities are generally several degrees higher than surrounding regions, leading to increased heat-related death among those less able to recover from the heat of the day.Since the hottest days in the Northeast are often associated with high concentrations of ground-level ozone and other pollutants, the combination of heat stress and poor air quality can pose a major health risk to vulnerable groups: young children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing health conditions including asthma. Vulnerability is further increased as key infrastructure, including electricity for potentially life-saving air conditioning, is more likely to fail precisely when it is most needed – when demand exceeds available supply. Significant investments may be required to ensure that power generation keeps up with rising demand associated with rising temperatures.
Finally, vulnerability to heat waves is not evenly distributed throughout urban areas; outdoor versus indoor air temperatures, air quality, baseline health, and access to air conditioning are all dependent on socioeconomic factors. Socioeconomic factors that tend to increase vulnerability to such hazards include race and ethnicity (being a minority), age (the elderly and children), gender (female), socioeconomic status (low income, status, or poverty), and education (low educational attainment). The condition of human settlements (type of housing and construction, infrastructure, and access to lifelines) and the built environment are also important determinants of socioeconomic vulnerability, especially given the fact that these characteristics influence potential economic losses, injuries, and mortality.
Increased health-related impacts and costs, such as premature death and hospitalization due to even modest increases in heat, are predicted in the Northeast’s urban centers. One recent study projected that temperature changes alone would lead to a 50% to 91% increase in heat-related deaths in Manhattan by the 2080s (relative to a 1980s baseline). Increased ground-level ozone due to warming is projected to increase emergency department visits for ozone-related asthma in children (0 to 17 years of age) by 7.3% by the 2020s (given the A2 scenario) relative to a 1990 baseline of approximately 650 visits in the New York metropolitan area.
Heat wave research has tended to focus on urban areas, but vulnerability to heat may also become a major issue in rural areas and small towns because air conditioning is currently not prevalent in parts of the rural Northeast where heat waves have historically been rare. Some areas of northern New England, near the Canadian border, are projected to shift from having less than five to more than 15 days per year over 90°F by the 2050s under the higher emissions scenario (A2) of heat-trapping gases. It should be noted that winter heating needs, a significant expense for many Northeastern residents, are likely to decrease as the century progresses.
The impacts of climate change on public health will extend beyond the direct effects of temperature on human physiology. Changing distributions of temperature, precipitation, and carbon dioxide could affect the potency of plant allergens, and there has been an observed increase of 13 to 27 days in the ragweed pollen season at latitudes above 44°N.
Vector-borne diseases are an additional concern. Most occurrences of Lyme disease in United States are in the Northeast, especially Connecticut. While it is unclear how climate change will impact Lyme disease, several studies in the Northeast have linked tick activity and Lyme disease incidence to climate, specifically abundant late spring and early summer moisture. West Nile Virus (WNV) is another vector-borne disease that may be influenced by changes in climate. Suitable habitat for the Asian Tiger Mosquito, which can transmit West Nile and other vector-borne diseases, is expected to increase in the Northeast from the current 5% to 16% in the next two decades and from 43% to 49% by the end of the century, exposing more than 30 million people to the threat of dense infestations by this species.
Many Northeast cities, including New York, Boston, and Philadelphia, are served by combined sewer systems that collect and treat both stormwater and municipal wastewater. During heavy rain events, combined systems can be overwhelmed and untreated water may be released into local water bodies. In Connecticut, the risk for contracting a stomach illness while swimming significantly increased after a one inch precipitation event, and studies have found associations between diarrheal illness among children and sewage discharge in Milwaukee. More frequent heavy rain events could therefore increase the incidence of waterborne disease.
Historical settlement patterns and ongoing investment in coastal areas and along major rivers combine to increase the vulnerabilities of people in the Northeast to sea level rise and coastal storms. Of the Northeast’s population of 64 million, approximately 1.6 million people live within the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) 100-year coastal flood zone, with the majority – 63% of those at risk – residing in New York and New Jersey. As sea levels rise, populations in the current 1-in-100-year coastal flood zone (defined as the area with at least a 1% chance of experiencing a coastal flood in a given year) will experience more frequent flooding, and populations that have historically fallen outside the 1-in-100-year flood zone will find themselves in that zone. People living in coastal flood zones are vulnerable to direct loss of life and injury associated with tropical storms and nor’easters. Flood damage to personal property, businesses, and public infrastructure can also result.
This risk is not limited to the 1-in-100-year flood zone; in the Mid-Atlantic part of the region alone, estimates suggest that between 450,000 and 2.3 million people are at risk from a three foot sea level rise, which is in the range of projections for this century.
Throughout the Northeast, populations are also concentrated along rivers and their flood plains. In mountainous regions, including much of West Virginia and large parts of Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire, more intense precipitation events will mean greater flood risk, particularly in valleys, where people, infrastructure, and agriculture tend to be concentrated.
. - Stressed Infrastructure
Stressed Infrastructure
Infrastructure will be increasingly compromised by climate-related hazards, including sea level rise, coastal flooding, and intense precipitation events.
Disruptions to services provided by public and private infrastructure in the Northeast both interrupt commerce and threaten public health and safety. In New York State, two feet of sea level rise is estimated (absent adaptation investment) to flood or render unusable 212 miles of roads, 77 miles of rail, 3,647 acres of airport facilities, and 539 acres of runways. Port facilities, such as in Maryland (primarily Baltimore), also have flooding impact estimates: 298 acres, or 32% of the overall port facilities in the state. These impacts have potentially significant economic ramifications. For example, in 2006 alone the Port of Baltimore generated more than 50,200 jobs, $3.6 billion in personal income, $1.9 billion in business revenues, and $388 million in state, county, and municipal tax. The New York City Panel on Climate Change highlighted a broader range of climate impacts on infrastructure sectors. Although this study focused specifically on New York City, these impacts are applicable throughout the region. Predicted impacts of coastal flooding on infrastructure were largely borne out by Hurricane Sandy; sea level rise will only increase these vulnerabilities.
The more southern states within the region, including Delaware and Maryland, have a highly vulnerable land area because of a higher rate of sea level rise and relatively flat coastlines compared to the northern tier. The northern states, including Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, have less land area exposed to a high inundation risk because of a lower relative sea level rise and because of their relatively steep coastal terrain. Still, low-lying coastal metropolitan areas in New England have considerable infrastructure at risk. In Boston alone, cumulative damage to buildings and building contents, as well as the associated emergency costs, could potentially be as high as $94 billion between 2000 and 2100, depending on the sea level rise scenario and which adaptive actions are taken.
In the transportation sector, many of the region’s key highways (including I-95) and rail systems (including Amtrak and commuter rail networks) span areas that are prone to coastal flooding. In addition to temporary service disruptions, storm surge flooding can severely undermine or disable critical infrastructure along coasts, including subway systems, wastewater treatment plants, and electrical substations. Saltwater corrosion can damage sensitive and critical electrical equipment, such as electrical substations for energy distribution and signal equipment for rail systems; corrosion also accelerates rust damage on rail lines. Saltwater also threatens groundwater supplies and damages wastewater treatment plants.
. - Agricultural and Ecosystem Impacts
Agricultural and Ecosystem Impacts
Agriculture, fisheries, and ecosystems will be increasingly compromised over the next century by climate change impacts. Farmers can explore new crop options, but these adaptations are not cost- or risk-free. Moreover, adaptive capacity, which varies throughout the region, could be overwhelmed by a changing climate.
Farmers in the Northeast are already experiencing consequences of climate change. In addition to direct crop damage from increasingly intense precipitation events, wet springs can delay planting for grain and vegetables in New York, for example, and subsequently delay harvest dates and reduce yields. This is an issue for agriculture nationally, but is particularly acute for the Northeast, where heavy rainfall events have increased more than in any other region of the country. In the future, farmers may also face too little water in summer to meet increased crop water demand as summers become hotter and growing seasons lengthen., Increased frequency of summer heat stress is also projected, which can negatively affect crop yields and milk production.
Despite a trend toward warmer winters, the risk of frost and freeze damage continues, and has paradoxically increased over the past decade. These risks are exacerbated for perennial crops in years with variable winter temperatures. For example, midwinter-freeze damage cost wine grape growers in the Finger Lakes region of New York millions of dollars in losses in the winters of 2003 and 2004. This was likely due to de-hardening of the vines during an unusually warm December, which increased susceptibility to cold damage just prior to a subsequent hard freeze. Another avenue for cold damage, even in a relatively warm winter, is when there is an extended warm period in late winter or early spring causing premature leaf-out or bloom, followed by a damaging frost event, as occurred throughout the Northeast in 2007 and again in 2012 when apple, grape, cherry, and other fruit crops were hard hit.
Increased weed and pest pressure associated with longer growing seasons and warmer winters will be an increasingly important challenge; there are already examples of earlier arrival and increased populations of some insect pests such as corn earworm. Furthermore, many of the most aggressive weeds, such as kudzu, benefit more than crop plants from higher atmospheric carbon dioxide, and become more resistant to herbicide control. Many weeds respond better than most cash crops to increasing carbon dioxide concentrations, particularly “invasive” weeds with the so-called C3 photosynthetic pathway, and with rapid and expansive growth patterns, including large allocations of below-ground biomass, such as roots. Research also suggests that glyphosate (for example, Roundup), the most widely-used herbicide in the United States, loses its efficacy on weeds grown at the increased carbon dioxide levels likely to occur in the coming decades. To date, all weed/crop competition studies where the photosynthetic pathway is the same for both species favor weed growth over crop growth as carbon dioxide is increased.
Effects of rising temperatures on the Northeast’s ecosystems have already been clearly observed. Further, changes in species distribution by elevation are occurring; a Vermont study found an upslope shift of 299 to 390 feet in the boundary between northern hardwoods and boreal forest on the western slopes of the Green Mountains between 1964 and 2004. Wildflowers and woody perennials are blooming earlier , and migratory birds are arriving sooner. Because species differ in their ability to adjust, asynchronies (like a mismatch between key food source availability and migration patterns) can develop, increasing species and ecosystem vulnerability. Several bird species have expanded their ranges northward as have some invasive insect species, such as the hemlock woolly adelgid, which has devastated hemlock trees. Warmer winters and less snow cover in recent years have contributed to increased deer populations that degrade forest understory vegetation.
As ocean temperatures continue to rise, the range of suitable habitat for many commercially important fish and shellfish species is projected to shift northward. For example, cod and lobster fisheries south of Cape Cod are projected to have significant declines., Although suitable habitats will be shrinking for some species (such as coldwater fish like brook trout) and expanding for others (such as warmwater fish like bass), it is difficult to predict what proportion of species will be able to move or adapt as their optimum climate zones shift. As each species responds uniquely to climate change, disruptions of important species interactions (plants and pollinators; predators and prey) can be expected. For example, it is uncertain what forms of vegetation will move into the Adirondack Mountains when the suitable habitat for spruce-fir forests disappears. Increased productivity of some northern hardwood trees in the Northeast is projected (due to longer growing seasons and assuming a significant benefit from higher atmospheric carbon dioxide), but summer drought and other extreme events may offset potential productivity increases. Range shifts in traditional foods gathered from the forests by Native American communities, such as Wabanaki berries in the Northeast, can have negative health and cultural impacts.
In contrast, many insect pests, pathogens, and invasive plants like kudzu appear to be highly and positively responsive to recent and projected climate change. Their expansion will lead to an overall loss of biodiversity, function, and resilience of some ecosystems.
The Northeast’s coastal ecosystems and the species that inhabit them are highly vulnerable to rising seas. Beach and dune erosion, both a cause and effect of coastal flooding, is also a major issue in the Northeast., Since the early 1800s, there has been an estimated 39% decrease in marsh coverage in coastal New England; in the metropolitan Boston area, marsh coverage is estimated to be less than 20% of its late 1700s value. Impervious urban surfaces and coastal barriers such as seawalls limit the ability of marshes to expand inland as sea levels rise.
. - Planning and Adaptation
Planning and Adaptation
While a majority of states and a rapidly growing number of municipalities have begun to incorporate the risk of climate change into their planning activities, implementation of adaptation measures is still at early stages.
Local and state governments in the Northeast have been leaders and incubators in utilizing legal and regulatory opportunities to foster climate change policies. The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) was the first market-based regulatory program in the U.S. aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions; it is a cooperative effort among nine northeastern states. Massachusetts became the first state to officially incorporate climate change impacts into its environmental review procedures by adopting legislation that directs agencies to “consider reasonably foreseeable climate change impacts, including additional greenhouse gas emissions, and effects, such as predicted sea level rise.” In addition, Maine, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island have each adopted some form of “rolling easement” to ensure that wetlands or dunes migrate inland as sea level rises and reduce the risk of loss of life and property.
Northeast cities have employed a variety of mechanisms to respond to climate change, including land-use planning, provisions to protect infrastructure, regulations related to the design and construction of buildings, and emergency preparation, response, and recovery. While significant progress has been made, local governments still face limitations of legal authority, geographic jurisdiction, and resource constraints that could be addressed through effective engagement and support from higher levels of government.
Keene, New Hampshire, has been a pilot community for ICLEI’s Climate Resilient Communities program for adaptation planning – a process implemented through innovative community engagement methods. The Cape Cod Commission is another example in New England; the Commission has drafted model ordinances to help communities incorporate climate into zoning decision-making. Farther south, New York City has taken numerous steps to implement PlaNYC, a far-reaching sustainability plan for the city, including amending the construction code and the zoning laws and the implementation of measures focused on developing adaptation strategies to protect the City’s public and private infrastructure from the effects of climate change; some major investments in protection have even been conceptualized.
One widely used adaptation-planning template is the eight-step iterative approach developed by the New York City Panel on Climate Change; it was highlighted in the contribution of the National Academy of Science’s Adaptation Panel to America’s Climate Choices and adopted by the Committee on America’s Climate Choices. It describes a procedure that decision-makers at all levels can use to design a flexible adaptation pathway to address infrastructure and other response issues through inventory and assessment of risk. The key, with respect to infrastructure, is to link adaptation strategies with capital improvement cycles and adjustment of plans to incorporate emerging climate projections, – but the insights are far more general than that (see the Adaptation Panel Report).
In most cases, adaptation requires information and tools coupled to a decision-support process steered by strong leadership, and there are a growing number of examples in the Northeast. At the smaller, municipal scale, coastal pilot projects in Maryland,, Delaware, New York, and Connecticut are underway.
Research and outreach efforts are underway in the region to help farmers find ways to cope with a rapidly changing climate, take advantage of a longer growing season, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,, but unequal access to capital and information for strategic adaptation and mitigation remain a challenge. Financial barriers can constrain farmer adaptation., Even relatively straightforward adaptations such as changing varieties are not always a low-cost option. Seed for new stress-tolerant varieties is sometimes expensive or regionally unavailable, and new varieties often require investments in new planting equipment or require adjustment in a wide range of farming practices. Investment in irrigation and drainage systems are relatively expensive options, and a challenge for farmers will be determining when the frequency of yield losses due to summer water deficits or flooding has or will become frequent enough to warrant such capital investments.
Regional activities in the Northeast are also being linked to federal efforts. For example, NASA’s Agency-wide Climate Adaptation Science Investigator Workgroup (CASI) brings together NASA facilities managers with NASA climate scientists in local Climate Resilience Workshops. This approach was in evidence at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, where scientists helped institutional managers address energy and stormwater management vulnerabilities.
Principle 8a
Mean Global Temperatures are Increasing
The main impact of climate change is predicted to be an increase in global mean temperature over most land surfaces. We have already seen major changes. The table at left below lists the sixteen warmest years from 1880 to 2015. Note that all have occurred in the last 17 years. The animated chart at right below shows a rainbow-colored record of global temperatures spinning outward from the late 19th century to the present as the Earth heats up. Read more…
The New Normal
NOAA publishes climatological normals every decade based on 30-year average temperatures; the most recent normals are based on the average temperatures from 1981-2010. Expanding on this dataset, Climate Central calculated a 30-year average ending each year from 1980 to 2015. For example, the normal temperature for 1980 in this analysis was based on the average temperature from 1951-1980, and the 2015 normal is the average from 1986-2015.
Of the 135 locations analyzed, 97 percent of them had a higher 30-year average temperature in 2015 versus 1980, and many have seen an additional surge in their normals since the last NOAA analysis in 1981-2010. The shift in long term averages has already become apparent in the longer growing season in most of the country, with temperatures starting to remain consistently above freezing earlier in the year, and staying above freezing until later in the year. Some plant and animal species are starting to migrate northward or upward in elevation as a result, meaning a variety of pests and weeds are now found in places previously too cold for them to live.
While the warming of the normals can look subtle, it also means a substantial increase in the incidents of extreme heat and a decrease in the frequency of extreme cold. Winters have been warming more rapidly than summers, and while less extreme cold sounds appealing, the future effects of blistering summer heat are expected to outweigh the benefits of milder winters. More extreme heat will increase the threat of heat-related illness such as heat stroke. In addition, this expansion of very hot days will stress the nation’s aging electric grid, driving up cooling costs as air conditioners will likely be used more frequently.
Temperature Increases Across the U.S.
Think It’s Hot Now? Just Wait
Heat waves have become more frequent, more intense and longer lasting. A study in the journal Nature Climate Change last year found that three of every four daily heat extremes can be tied to global warming. The maps below provide a glimpse of our future if nothing is done to slow climate change. By the end of the century, the number of 100-degree days will skyrocket, making working or playing outdoors unbearable, and sometimes deadly. The effects on our health, air quality, food and water supplies will get only worse if we don’t drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions right away.
Click on the maps to enlarge them.
Mean Global Temperatures are Increasing
The main impact of climate change is predicted to be an increase in global mean temperature over most land surfaces. We have already seen major changes. The table at left below lists the sixteen warmest years from 1880 to 2015. Note that all have occurred in the last 17 years. The animated chart at right below shows a rainbow-colored record of global temperatures spinning outward from the late 19th century to the present as the Earth heats up.
Climate models are fairly consistent in projecting the continuation of this trend through the 21st century. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), temperatures are likely to increase by 2°F to 11.5°F, with a best estimate of 3.2°F to 7.2°F, by 2100, relative to 1980–1990 temperatures.
As a consequence of the increases we have already seen, glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner.
Effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves. In the future we will see more droughts and heat waves, hurricanes will become stronger, sea level will rise, the Arctic will become ice free.
"Taken as a whole," the IPCC states, "the range of published evidence indicates that the net damage costs of climate change are likely to be significant and to increase over time."
What are our Possible Temperature Futures?
The Consequences: What We Can Expect
Increase of Less than 2 °C
Arctic sea icecap disappears, leaving polar bears homeless and changing the Earth's energy balance dramatically as reflective ice is replaced during summer months by darker sea surface. Now expected by 2030 or even earlier.
Tropical coral reefs suffer severe and repeated bleaching episodes due to hotter ocean waters, killing off most coral and delivering a hammer blow to marine biodiversity.
Droughts spread through the sub-tropics, accompanied by heatwaves and intense wildfires. Worst-hit are the Mediterranean, the south-west United States, southern Africa and Australia. -
2 °C to 3 °C
Summer heatwaves such as that in Europe in 2003, which killed 30,000 people, become annual events. Extreme heat sees temperatures reaching the low 40s Celsius in southern England.
Amazon rainforest crosses a "tipping point" where extreme heat and lower rainfall makes the forest unviable - much of it burns and is replaced by desert and savannah.
Dissolved CO2 turns the oceans increasingly acidic, destroying remaining coral reefs and wiping out many species of plankton which are the basis of the marine food chain. Several metres of sea level rise is now inevitable as the Greenland ice sheet disappears. -
3 °C to 4 °C
Glacier and snow-melt in the world's mountain chains depletes freshwater flows to downstream cities and agricultural land. Most affected are California, Peru, Pakistan and China. Global food production is under threat as key breadbaskets in Europe, Asia and the United States suffer drought, and heatwaves outstrip the tolerance of crops.
The Gulf Stream current declines significantly. Cooling in Europe is unlikely due to global warming, but oceanic changes alter weather patterns and lead to higher than average sea level rise in the eastern US and UK. -
4 °C to 5 °C
Another tipping point sees massive amounts of methane - a potent greenhouse gas - released by melting Siberian permafrost, further boosting global warming. Much human habitation in southern Europe, north Africa, the Middle East and other sub-tropical areas is rendered unviable due to excessive heat and drought. The focus of civilisation moves towards the poles, where temperatures remain cool enough for crops, and rainfall - albeit with severe floods - persists. All sea ice is gone from both poles; mountain glaciers are gone from the Andes, Alps and Rockies.
5 °C to 6 °C
Global average temperatures are now hotter than for 50m years. The Arctic region sees temperatures rise much higher than average - up to 20C - meaning the entire Arctic is now ice-free all year round. Most of the topics, sub-tropics and even lower mid-latitudes are too hot to be inhabitable. Sea level rise is now sufficiently rapid that coastal cities across the world are largely abandoned.
6 °C and Above
Danger of "runaway warming", perhaps spurred by release of oceanic methane hydrates. Could the surface of the Earth become like Venus, entirely uninhabitable? Most sea life is dead. Human refuges now confined entirely to highland areas and the polar regions. Human population is drastically reduced. Perhaps 90% of species become extinct, rivalling the worst mass extinctions in the Earth's 4.5 billion-year history.
Heating Up: A Dangerous Spiral
This graphic, drawn up by Ed Hawkins, a climate scientist at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom, features a record of global temperatures spinning outward from the late 19th century to the present as the Earth heats up. The graphic displays monthly global temperature data, specifically how each month compares to the average for the same period from 1850-1900. At first, the years vacillate inward and outward, showing that a clear warming signal had yet to emerge from the natural fluctuations that happen from year to year. But clear warming trends are present in the early and late 20th century.
Can you determine about what year temperatures really started to rise?
So, the Earth's average temperature has increased about 1 degree Fahrenheit during the 20th century. What's the big deal?
One degree may sound like a small amount, but it's an unusual event in our planet's recent history. Small changes in temperature correspond to enormous changes in the environment. For example, at the end of the last ice age, when the Northeast United States was covered by more than 3,000 feet of ice, average temperatures were only 5 to 9 degrees cooler than today.
Now look at the spiral below, which shows simulated global temperature change from 1850 up to 2100 relative to the 1850 - 1900 average (how old will you be in the year 2100?). The temperature data are from Community Climate System (CCSM4) global climate model maintained by the National Center for Atmospheric Research. The simulation is for the IPCC Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5) emission scenario. RCP8.5 is the most aggressive scenario in which green house gases continue to rise unchecked through the end of the century, leading to an equivalent of about 1370 ppm CO2, which is roughly four times the concentration at present.
The Sixteen Hottest Years on Record

The chart above shows the global combined land and ocean temperature rank and how much the average temperature for that year departed from the average temperature for the period from 1880 to 2015. Note that of the 16 hottest years on record for that period have occurred in the last 17 years. The prediction of NASA and international climate scientists is for the trend to continue and even accelerate. For example, eighty years from now, the mean global temperature is expected to be 7 to 11 °F warmer than it is today.
Principle 8b
Arctic Sea and Lake Ice is Melting
Melting Ice
Rising temperatures across the U.S. have reduced lake ice, sea ice, glaciers, and seasonal snow cover over the last few decades. Mount Rainier’s glaciers are an example. The mountain's glaciers are the largest single-mountain glacier system in the contiguous 48 states. They represent 25% of the total ice area in the contiguous 48 states and contain as much ice (by volume) as all the other Cascade volcanoes combined. However, these glaciers shrank 22% by area and 25% by volume between 1913 and 1994 due to global warming. In the Great Lakes, total winter ice coverage has decreased by 63% since the early 1970s. This includes the entire period since satellite data became available. When the record is extended back to 1963 using pre-satellite data, the overall trend is less negative because the Great Lakes region experienced several extremely cold winters in the 1970s. Read more…
Source: National Climate Assessment
Use the slider bar on the image to compare the extension of older sea ice in the Arctic in September 1984 and September 2016 (note: it may take a moment for the slider to appear).
Credit: NASA Earth Observatory
Melting Ice
Sea ice in the Arctic has also decreased dramatically since the late 1970s, particularly in summer and autumn. Since the satellite record began in 1978, minimum Arctic sea ice extent (which occurs in early to mid-September) has decreased by more than 40%. This decline is unprecedented in the historical record, and the reduction of ice volume and thickness is even greater. Ice thickness decreased by more than 50% from 1958-1976 to 2003-2008, and the percentage of the March ice cover made up of thicker ice (ice that has survived a summer melt season) decreased from 75% in the mid-1980s to 45% in 2011. Recent analyses indicate a decrease of 36% in autumn sea ice volume over the past decade. The 2012 sea ice minimum broke the preceding record (set in 2007) by more than 200,000 square miles.
Ice loss increases Arctic warming by replacing white, reflective ice with dark water that absorbs more energy from the sun. More open water can also increase snowfall over northern land areas and increase the north-south meanders of the jet stream, consistent with the occurrence of unusually cold and snowy winters at mid-latitudes in several recent years.
The loss of sea ice has been greater in summer than in winter. The Bering Sea, for example, has sea ice only in the winter-spring portion of the year, and shows no trend in surface area covered by ice over the past 30 years. However, seasonal ice in the Bering Sea and elsewhere in the Arctic is thin and susceptible to rapid melt during the following summer.
The seasonal pattern of observed loss of Arctic sea ice is generally consistent with simulations by global climate models, in which the extent of sea ice decreases more rapidly in summer than in winter. However, the models tend to underestimate the amount of decrease since 2007. Projections by these models indicate that the Arctic Ocean is expected to become essentially ice-free in summer before mid-century under scenarios that assume continued growth in global emissions, although sea ice would still form in winter. Models that best match historical trends project a nearly sea ice-free Arctic in summer by the 2030s, and extrapolation of the present observed trend suggests an even earlier ice-free Arctic in summer. However, even during a long-term decrease, occasional temporary increases in Arctic summer sea ice can be expected over timescales of a decade or so because of natural variability. The projected reduction of winter sea ice is only about 10% by 2030, indicating that the Arctic will shift to a more seasonal sea ice pattern. While this ice will be thinner, it will cover much of the same area now covered by sea ice in winter.
Source: National Climate Assessment

The Arctic is a Seriously Weird Place Right Now
- Published: November 21st, 2016
- Source:
By Brian Kahn
The sun set on the North Pole more than a month ago, not to rise again until spring. Usually that serves as a cue for sea ice to spread its frozen tentacles across the Arctic Ocean. But in the depths of the polar night, a strange thing started to happen in mid-October. Sea ice growth slowed to a crawl and even started shrinking for a bit.
Intense warmth in both the air and oceans is driving the mini-meltdown at a time when Arctic sea ice should be rapidly growing. This follows last winter, when temperatures saw a huge December spike.

Even in an age where climate change is making outliers — lowest maximum sea ice extent set two years in a row, the hottest year on record set three years in a row, global coral bleaching entering a third year — the norm, what’s happening in the Arctic right now stands out for just how outlandish it is.
“I’ve never seen anything like it this last year and half,” Mark Serreze, director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center, said.
The latest twist in the Arctic sea ice saga began in mid-October. Temperatures stayed stuck in their September range, pausing sea ice growth. By the end of the month, the Arctic was missing a chunk of ice the size of the eastern U.S.
RELATED | Warm Temps Slow Arctic Sea Ice Growth to a Crawl |
The oddness continued into November. A large area of the Arctic saw temperatures as much as 36°F above normal, further slowing Arctic sea ice growth and even turning it around for a few days. In other words, it was so warm in the Arctic that despite the lack of sunlight, sea ice actually disappeared.
“ The ridiculously warm temperatures in the Arctic during October and November this year are off the charts over our 68 years of measurements,” Jennifer Francis, a climate scientist at Rutgers University who studies the Arctic, said.
Compounding the warm air is warm water. Sea surface temperatures on the edge of the ice are also running well above normal in many places, further inhibiting sea ice growth.
As a footnote, Antarctic sea ice is also record low, making for a really dire global sea ice graph. The two regions’ current conundrums aren’t connected, and researchers are still trying to untangle what’s happening there. But in the Arctic, a number of factors — both driven by climate change and weather patterns — are to blame for this year’s bizarre sea ice situation.

First, Arctic sea ice itself has some issues. Old ice has all but disappeared since record keeping began in the 1980s, and the majority of the ice pack is now young ice that tends to be more brittle and prone to breakup when extreme warmth strikes.
Some of that warmth came courtesy of the tropics where convection patterns created a series of large troughs and ridges in the atmosphere. The pattern that set up in mid-October put the eastern edge of one of these troughs over northeast Asia, according to Paul Roundy, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Albany.

Drag split-screen slider or click on before/after link.
A comparison of the extension of older sea ice in the Arctic in September 1984 and September 2016.
Credit: NASA Earth Observatory
“The result has been a strong surface low that has funneled warm air at the surface across the Bering Strait,” he said. “A similar low set up in the wave train over the North Atlantic, providing another pathway for warmth into the Arctic.”
The ocean heat has roots in this summer, when dark open water absorbed the sun’s incoming energy (compared to white sea ice, which reflects it back into space). Francis said this “not only slowed the freezing process, but also warmed and moistened the air. That extra moisture is very important because water vapor is a greenhouse gas and it also tends to create more clouds — both of these effects help trap heat near the surface.” It’s what Serreze said was a “double whammy” of warming causing the current meltdown.
This all follows what was the second-lowest sea ice extent ever recorded in September and what has been a persistent dwindling of Arctic sea ice for decades on end as climate change cranks up the heat.
The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet and it’s possible that the region could see ice-free summers as early as the 2030s. If carbon pollution continues at its current pace, it would likely make ice-free summers the norm by mid-century.
Going forward, Serreze said research should focus as on how an already changing Arctic system responds to these types of shocks.
“A valuable way of viewing Arctic system now is (looking at) how it responds to these extremes. Has their impact changed now that Arctic has changed?” he said.

Arctic Oceans, Sea Ice, and Coasts
The impacts of reduced sea ice include severe and coastal erosion, isolation for rural villages and reduced habitat for wildlife
The Arctic Ocean is blanketed by seasonal sea ice that expands during the frigid Arctic winter, reaching a maximum average extent each March. Sea ice retreats during the Northern Hemisphere's summer, reaching its minimum extent for the year every September. Arctic ice cover plays an important role in maintaining Earth’s temperature—the shiny white ice reflects light and the net heat that the ocean would otherwise absorb, keeping the Northern Hemisphere cool.
Arctic sea ice extent in September 2012 was the lowest in the satellite record (since 1979). The magenta line indicates the September average ice extent from 1981 to 2010.
Arctic sea ice is declining at an increasing rate in all months of the year, with a stronger decline in summer months. Researchers who study climate and sea ice expect that, at some point, the Arctic Ocean will lose virtually all of its late summer ice cover. A robust range of evidence suggests that Arctic sea ice is declining due to climate warming related to the increased abundance of heat-trapping (greenhouse) gases in the atmosphere from human burning of coal, oil, and gas. Because greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere for multiple decades, scientists do not expect any reversal in the downward trend in ice extent.
Despite year-to-year variations, satellite data show a decline of more than 13 percent per decade in September ice extent since the satellite record began in 1979. The satellite data are less comprehensive before 1979, but shipping records and other evidence show that the ice extent has been in a continued state of decline for at least the last one hundred years. Climate models have long predicted that summer sea ice would disappear as temperatures rose in the Arctic, but ice loss has occurred even faster than any models predicted. Researchers now expect that the Arctic Ocean will be virtually ice-free in summer well before the end of this century, perhaps as early as the 2030s.
Impacts of reduced sea ice
Arctic amplification refers to the magnified warming in the Arctic relative to the rest of the globe—the rate of warming in the Arctic is nearly two times the global average. While a number of mechanisms contribute to Arctic amplification, the loss of Arctic sea ice cover plays a dominant role due to the reduction in the net albedo—a measure of how well a surface reflects incoming solar energy.
In 2012, the Parry Channel—a portion of the long-sought Northwest Passage—went from ice-choked on July 17 (left) to open water on August 3 (right). Sea ice reflects most of the sunlight energy that hits it back into space; open water can absorb heat energy from the sun.
White or light-colored sea ice is very reflective, so its albedo is higher than that of ocean water. With the huge increase in the area of ice-free water compared to a decade ago, the ocean can absorb much more heat than it used to. This, in turn, means that more heat energy is available to be released back into the atmosphere in autumn as sunlight wanes. As ice cover shrinks, areas of open water absorb heat that the ice would have reflected. The water warms up, and before ice can form again in the fall the ocean must release some of that heat to the atmosphere. Scientists are concerned that this increased heat transfer to the atmosphere could magnify future climate warming trends.
Principle 8c
Sea Level is Rising and Coasts are Eroding
Melting of ice sheets and glaciers, combined with the thermal expansion of seawater as the oceans warm, is causing sea level to rise. There is strong evidence that global sea level is now rising at an increased rate and will continue to rise during this century.
While studies show that sea levels changed little from AD 0 until 1900, sea levels began to climb in the 20th century.
The two major causes of global sea-level rise are thermal expansion caused by the warming of the oceans (since water expands as it warms) and the loss of land-based ice (such as glaciers and polar ice caps) due to increased melting. Read more…
Sea Level is Rising and Coasts are Eroding
Records and research show that sea level has been steadily rising at a rate of 0.04 to 0.1 inches per year since 1900. This rate may be increasing. Since 1992, new methods of satellite altimetry (the measurement of elevation or altitude) indicate a rate of rise of 0.12 inches per year. This is a significantly larger rate than the sea-level rise averaged over the last several thousand years.
Seawater is beginning to move onto low-lying land and to contaminate coastal fresh water sources and beginning to submerge coastal facilities and barrier islands. Sea-level rise increases the risk of damage to homes and buildings from storm surges such as those that accompany hurricanes.
Sea-level rise, along with the loss of sea ice in the Arctic, exposes shorelines to rapid coastal erosion. For most of the year, landfast sea ice buffered Alaska's northern coastline from waves, winds, and currents. Current observations and future projections of melt and sea level rise show that as sea ice melts earlier and forms later in the year, Arctic coasts will be more vulnerable to storm surge and wave energy. Particularly in the autumn, when large storms are occur in the region, land is exposed to shoreline erosion and terrestrial habitat loss.
Click the button below for a summary of how sealevel rise will affect coast of the Northeast  
US Northeast Coast is hotspot for rising sea levels
Report comes after North Carolina senate proposes bill to ban predictions of increase in rates of sea-level rise.
- Leigh Phillips
Research from the US Geological Survey (USGS) shows that sea levels are rising much faster between North Carolina and Massachusetts than anywhere else in the world. The news comes less than two weeks after North Carolina's Senate passed a bill banning state agencies from reporting predictions of increasing rates of sea-level rise.
Asbury Sallenger, an oceanographer at the USGS in St Petersburg, Florida, and his colleagues published their report today in Nature Climate Change1. They analysed tide-gauge records from around North America from between 1950 and 2009, and found that the rates of sea-level rise along the northern half of the eastern seaboard — from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, to Boston, Massachusetts — are increasing three to four times faster than rates of sea-level rise globally.

JIM LO SCALZO/epa/Corbis
Seas in North Carolina are rising faster than in most of the rest of the world.
In absolute figures, sea levels on this stretch of coast have climbed by between 2 and 3.7 millimetres per year since 1980, whereas the global increase over the same period was 0.6–1.0 millimetres per year.
The existence of the hotspot is consistent with the measured slowing of Atlantic Ocean circulation, which may be tied to changes in water temperature, salinity and density in the subpolar north of the ocean.
The researchers predicted that by 2100, sea levels in the hotspot would rise by between 20 and 29 centimetres above the global increase, which most oceanographers predict will be about one metre.
"Many people mistakenly think that the rate of sea-level rise is the same everywhere as glaciers and ice caps melt,” said Marcia McNutt, director of the USGS. However, regional variations in temperature, water salinity and air pressure can cause rates of increase to differ considerably, as can ocean currents and land movements.
Holding back the tide
The sea-level-rise law proposed by North Carolina senators would have banned researchers in state agencies from using exponential extrapolation to predict sea-level rise, requiring instead that they stick to linear projections based on historical data.
“Rates of sea-level rise may be extrapolated linearly but shall not include scenarios of accelerated rates of sea-level rise,” it read.
Following international opprobrium, the state House of Representatives rejected the bill on Tuesday. However, a compromise between the House and the Senate will see a three-to-four-year moratorium on exponential analysis while the state conducts a new study on sea levels.
According to the local media, the bill was the handiwork of industry lobbyists and coastal municipalities who feared that investors and property developers would be scared off by predictions of high sea-level rises.
The core of the lobbying campaign lay in the promotion of a single paper published in the Journal of Coastal Research last year2 by James Houston, retired director of the US Army Corps of Engineers’ research centre in Vicksburg, Mississippi, and Robert Dean, emeritus professor of coastal engineering at the University of Florida in Gainesville, who reported that global sea-level rise has slowed since 1930. The article has been seized on by conservative climate sceptics around the world, and the authors have toured US climate-sceptic conferences.
Points of view
Speaking to Nature, Dean accused the oceanographic community of ideological bias. “In the United States, there is an overemphasis on unrealistically high sea-level rise,” he said. “That is the position of most of the scientists investigating this topic. And the reason is budgets. I am retired, so I have the freedom to report what I find without any bias or need to chase funding.”
Sallenger and his team have been conducting their research since long before the North Carolina legal controversy flared up, but their paper specifically targets Houston and Dean’s research. It says that Huston and Dean's data sets encompass multiple time periods, causing three-quarters of their data to be biased towards masking the acceleration of sea-level rise in the northeast hotspot.
Sallenger would rather focus on his science than make any comment about politics. “We do science at the USGS that is relevant to policy, but we don’t make policy. That’s for the state legislature,” he says. “There are caveats in all of this, but our work suggests it would not be correct to project future rises using a linear interpretation.”
North Carolina is not the only ‘hotspot’ for efforts by conservatives to legislate away the reality of sea-level rise. In 2011, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality removed all references to rising sea levels from a scientific study of Galveston Bay, and two weeks ago, the Virginia General Assembly passed a bill commissioning a study on rising sea levels only once references to sea-level rise and climate change had been removed.
For a good summary of climate change impacts on global sea level rise, visit the National Climate Assessment  
The Northeast Coastline: New York
See how rising sea levels will affect New York's coast under different global warming conditions. Be patient, the visualization tool can take a few minutes to load, depending on your internet connection.
Be sure to scroll down in the window below to learn more.
United States
Sea level is on the rise. Since 1900, it's gone up an average of eight inches around the world, due to global warming. And by 2100, it will be higher still — maybe as high as six-and-a-half feet above 1992 levels. That would put the homes of 7.8 million Americans at risk of being flooded.

Sea level rise: Global warming's yardstick
By Rosalie Murphy,
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
One of the Argo array’s buoys begins collecting ocean temperature data after a science team deploys it in the Atlantic Ocean. Credit: Argo / University of California, San Diego.
Global sea levels have been ticking steadily higher by about an eighth of an inch (3.2 millimeters) each year since scientists began measuring them two decades ago. That’s why Carmen Boening, a research scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, was so shocked in 2010 and 2011, when she saw a quarter-inch (five-millimeter) drop in sea level – a sudden reversal of the trend.
“We knew that either the sea was cooling, or there was less water in the ocean,” Boening said. Like metal, water contracts when it cools. “So we used NASA’s GRACE mission, which basically weighs water to tell us how much is present in different parts of the world, both in the ocean and on land. We found there was actually less water in the ocean.”
Water can’t just vanish. If it leaves the ocean, it has to show up somewhere else in the water cycle. Sure enough, Boening’s team found huge amounts of precipitation and flooding in Australia and South America. GRACE data suggested lots of water had evaporated from the ocean during the 2011 La Niña event. Then other wind patterns pushed the precipitation to Australia.
“It had to be a combination of all these events at once, and that’s why the drop was so large,” Boening said. “But at some point, it had to run off into the ocean. That’s what happened next.” A few months later, the ocean returned to the previous year’s levels and the upward trend resumed.
How NASA measures sea level
Global sea levels have risen by about 8 inches in the last 130 years. It might not sound like much – but the ocean covers about 70 percent of Earth’s surface and holds about 99 percent of its water. A tiny rise or fall involves a lot of water.
“Sea level rise is the yardstick for global warming,” said Josh Willis, a research scientist at JPL. “It’s the ruler by which we measure how much human activity has changed the climate. It’s the sum of the extra heat the ocean has absorbed and the water that’s melted off of glaciers and ice sheets.”
The Ocean Surface Topography Mission (OSTM)/Jason-2 measures sea surface height. Credit: NASA
Willis leads NASA’s Jason missions, satellites that measure sea level and ocean surface topography, or variations in ocean surface height at different areas around the globe. This variation is driven in part by deeper currents and weather patterns like El Niño, La Niña and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. These patterns move huge amounts of water from some regions of the ocean to others, pushing some parts of the surface downward and others upward.
The GRACE twin satellites make detailed measurements of Earth's gravity field. Credit: NASA
The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission, which helped Boening and Willis track water during the 2011 La Niña, collects data using twin satellites orbiting Earth together. When the lead satellite encounters a slight change in Earth’s gravity, the force pulls it a little further from its partner. The second satellite measures the distance between them to estimate the strength of Earth’s gravity.
The planet’s gravity changes because different amounts of mass have piled up at different places. There’s a lot more Earth in the Himalaya, for example, than in the Mississippi Delta. Similarly, when water coalesces in a certain part of the ocean, it tugs on GRACE’s satellites a little harder.
But changes on land also play a role. For example, Greenland’s ice is melting. "As the land loses mass, its gravitational pull is not as strong, so it’s losing its ability to attract water,” Boening said. Though melting land ice from Greenland and glaciers account for about two-thirds of sea level rise to date, “sea level around Greenland is actually going down.”
Mass, height and heat
The ocean is also gaining heat. Small heat transfers happen constantly at the ocean’s surface and, eventually, the ocean swallows most of the heat greenhouse gases have trapped in Earth’s atmosphere. That heat warms the whole ocean, causing it to expand.
Expansion seems simple, but measuring it is a challenge. “Over 90 percent of the heat trapped inside Earth’s atmosphere by global warming is going into the oceans,” Willis said. Temperature data from 19th-century ship, compared to a set of 3,600 buoys measuring ocean temperature today, confirms that the ocean – especially its upper half – has warmed since 1870.
In the bottom half of the ocean, though, it’s harder to tell. Buoys measure only about halfway to the bottom, a depth of about 1.25 miles (2,000 meters). Over many decades, ocean currents pull water from the surface of the ocean toward its depths. Scientists have assumed the deep ocean has been warming, too – but a new paper by Willis and other JPL scientists found no detectable warming below that 1.25-mile (2,000-meter) mark since 2005.
“We can’t see heat in the deep ocean yet. The effect has been too small over our ten years of data, and the ways the ocean can get heat down deep are very slow. It might take a hundred years,” Willis said. “We still have to rely on the data and not our simulations to figure out what’s going on in the deep ocean. So we have some more scientific work to do.”
On the other hand, another paper from the same journal found that earlier studies drastically underestimated warming in the Southern Ocean, since the 1970s. New estimates suggest it absorbed anywhere from 25 to 58 percent more heat than previous researchers thought.
Scientists will continue learning more about the ocean’s intricacies, correcting assumptions and revising old estimates. But Willis warns against losing sight of the strong global trend toward rising sea levels.
“The picture is very simple,” he said. “The ocean heats up and causes sea level rise. Ice melts and causes sea level rise. We can see the results at the shoreline.”
This feature is part of a series exploring how NASA monitors Earth’s water cycle. Other ocean missions include Aquarius, which measures the ocean’s salinity to offer scientists clues about evaporation and rainfall patterns and changes in the ocean’s density, which can drive circulation patterns. The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission will improve topography measurements at the coast after its 2020 launch. Learn more about all of NASA’s Earth science missions.
Principle 8d
Changing precipitation and temperature are altering the distribution and availability of water
Climate plays an important role in the global distribution of freshwater resources. Changing precipitation patterns and temperature conditions will alter the distribution and availability of freshwater resources, reducing reliable access to water for many people and their crops. Read more…
Changing precipitation and temperature are altering the distribution and availability of water.
Winter snowpack and mountain glaciers that provide water for human use are declining as a result of global warming. There are many unknowns in terms of how ecosystems and societies will be impacted by the loss of snow and ice which serve as reservoirs of freshwater.
Runoff patterns are shifting in many parts of the world with more rain and less snow falling as precipitation.
Source: Changing Climate, Changing Forests: Th e Impacts of Climate Change on Forests of the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada
Climate Change in the Northeast: Temperature and Precipitation
Temperature: Projected Change
A regionally down-scaled model tailored to the Northeast was used to forecast how climate in the region is likely to shift in the future under low and high greenhouse gas emission scenarios. Model projections suggest that by the end of the century the mean annual temperature will increase 5.2 °F (2.9 °C) for the low emission scenario and 9.5 °F ( 5.3 °C) under the high emission scenario. Seasonally, the model suggests that, contrary to what has been observed over the past 35 years, the temperature increases will be greater in summer than in winter.
Projections based on future emissions scenarios indicate growing season length will increase by 29 to 43 days by the end of the 21st century. The longer growing season will result in a 10- to 14-day advance in the onset of spring and a delay in fall senescence and leaf off. These changes will have a profound impact on the region’s forests and water cycle including productivity, plant nutrient uptake, streamflows, and wildlife dynamics.
Precipitation: Projected Changes
By the end of the century, the average amount of precipitation that falls each year is expected to increase by 7 percent under the low emissions scenario and 14 percent under the high emissions scenario. Precipitation is more difficult to predict than temperature, and these predictions are correspondingly less certain.
On a seasonal basis, precipitation increases are expected to be greatest in winter (12 to 30 percent increase), with much of this precipitation occurring as rain. As a result, the average number of days with snow on the ground in the winter months (December, January, and February) is projected to decrease by as much as 5.2 days per month by the end of the century. Under the high emissions scenario, models suggest that the length of the winter snow season could be cut in half by 2100 in parts of New England.
Precipitation is not projected to increase in the summer months. However, the intensity of precipitation may increase, consistent with past trends and the expectation that climate warming will lead to an intensifi cation of the hydrologic cycle.

  Good summaries of impacts on freshwater can be found in the National Climate Assessment
High Streamflow is Increasing, Raising Flood Risks

High Streamflow is Increasing, Raising Flood Risks
By Climate Central
With the frequency of heavy precipitation increasing across most of the U.S., it follows that streamflow levels may be increasing as well. A Climate Central analysis of streamflow data at more than 2,100 active gauges found that the number of days with high stream flow (the top 25 percent of readings) has risen over the past 30 years in the largest rivers of the U.S., including the Ohio, Missouri, and Mississippi. This streamflow analysis complements the National Climate Assessment and previous Climate Central analyses, which show that heavy precipitation is increasing in the Northeast and Midwest, consistent with what is expected in a warming world. Heavy precipitation is the key element driving streamflow, although urbanization and the reduction of permeable surfaces also play roles, as does the engineering of dams and levees. The increasing number of days with high streamflow indicates that the risk for stream and river flooding is also on the rise. Additional data from the National Climate Assessment shows this is already happening, as the magnitude of flooding is increasing in the Mississippi Valley, Ohio Valley, and the Northeast. With the recent flooding in the Mississippi Valley, we examined the streamflow data for additional seasonal trends. In addition to heavy rain, spring snow melt can also play a role in streamflow. During the spring, we found some of largest increases in high streamflow days in Upper Mississippi River Valley and the Northwest.
More Snowfall Records, More Recently
As the world warms, the overall area of North America covered by snow is decreasing. One reason is that an increasing percentage of winter precipitation is falling as rain instead of snow in many locations. A Climate Central report found that between sea level and 5,000 feet in elevation, a smaller percentage of winter precipitation is falling as snow in the western U.S. The subsequent decline in snowpack affects reservoir levels and irrigation, as the melting snow provides water for the Westin the dry summer months.
However, the relationship is more complex at the local level. Rising temperatures can cause some individual storms to produce more snow. That’s because for every 1°F rise in temperature, the atmosphere can hold 4 percent more water. This, in turn, means more water is available to fall as snow or rain.
In the Great Lakes region, warming is leading to more snow in some of the downstream areas. When the lakes go longer without forming ice, that allows for increased evaporation, and the potential for more lake-effect snow.
Nationwide, more than 40 percent of counties have had their biggest 2-day snow totals since 1980. Our analysis excluded counties where the 2-day snowfall record was less than 3 inches. So even if the average amount of snow at the local level may be trending down, the snow that falls may come in larger batches. This is notable in the northeastern cities, where the biggest storms are usually nor’easters, which tap into the Atlantic Ocean for moisture. As the Washington Post’s Capital Weather Gang has pointed out:Seven of Washington, D.C.’s top 10 snowstorms since 1889 have occurred since 1979.All five of Philadelphia’s highest snowfalls have occurred since 1983. Its top three have happened since 1996.In New York City, seven of the nine biggest snows have occurred since 1996. Three of the top five have come in the past decade.Eight of Boston’s top 10 snowstorms have come since 1978. Half have occurred since 2003.
Principle 8e
Extreme Weather Events are Increasing
Incidents of extreme weather are projected to increase as a result of climate change—indeed they already have increased and are projected to increase much more. Many locations will see a substantial increase in the number of heat waves they experience per year and a decrease in episodes of severe cold. Precipitation events are expected to become less frequent but more intense in many areas, and droughts will be more frequent and severe in areas where average precipitation is projected to decrease. Explore the graphics on this page to see how things have already changed.
Move through the slides below to see how weather is becoming more extreme through the seasons in the continental U.S.

For a good summary of climate change impacts on extreme weather events, visit the National Climate Assessment:
For a great interactive on billion dollar climate disasters with maps, statistics, timelines, and more visit this NOAA site:

Risk of Extreme Weather From Climate Change to Rise Over Next Century, Report Says
Drought in Puerto Rico has left the La Plata reservoir nearly empty. A study in The Lancet predicts a growing number of people will be affected by extreme weather over the next century.
Alvin Baez/Reuters
WASHINGTON — More people will be exposed to floods, droughts, heat waves and other extreme weather associated with climate change over the next century than previously thought, according to a new report in the British medical journal The Lancet.
The report, published online Monday, analyzes the health effects of recent episodes of severe weather that scientists have linked to climate change. It provides estimates of the number of people who are likely to experience the effects of climate change in coming decades, based on projections of population and demographic changes.
The report estimates that the exposure of people to extreme rainfall will more than quadruple and the exposure of people to drought will triple compared to the 1990s. In the same time span, the exposure of the older people to heat waves is expected to go up by a factor of 12, according to Peter Cox, one of the authors, who is a professor of climate-system dynamics at the University of Exeter in Britain.
Climate projections typically are expressed as averages over large areas, including vast expanses, like oceans, where people do not live. The report calculates the risk to people by overlaying areas of the highest risk for climate events with expected human population increases. It also takes into account aging populations — for example, heat waves pose a greater health risk to old people.
Men in Pakistan cool themselves in a river near Islamabad during a heatwave. The Lancet study is part of an effort to look at how climate might change life on earth for people.
Aamir Qureshi/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
The report is part of a series of efforts to analyze how climate change might affect human health. Other major climate reports, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a global document, and the National Climate Assessment in the United States, have addressed the issue. But Professor Cox said the new report was the first large-scale effort to quantify the effects that different types of extreme weather would have on people.
“We are saying, let’s look at climate change from the perspective of what people are going to experience, rather than as averages across the globe,” he said. “We have to move away from thinking of this as a problem in atmospheric physics. It is a problem for people.”
The Lancet first convened scientists on the topic in 2009, and produced a report that declared climate change was “the biggest global health threat of the 21st century.” Monday’s report notes that global carbon emission rates have risen above the worst-case scenarios used in 2009, and that in the absence of any major international agreement on cutting those rates, projections of mortality and illness and other effects, like famine, have worsened.
“Everything that was predicted in 2009 is already happening,” said Nick Watts, a public health expert at the Institute for Global Health at University College London, who led the team of more than 40 scientists from Europe, Africa and China that produced the report. “Now we need to take a further step forward. The science has substantially moved on.”
For years, climate change was presented in terms of natural habitats and the environment, but more recently, experts have been looking at how it might change life on earth for people. Scientists and some governments are trying to frame the dangers of climate change in health terms in order to persuade people that the topic is urgent, not simply a distant matter for scientists. Governments around the world are preparing for a United Nations summit meeting on climate change in Paris in December to discuss new policies to limit greenhouse-gas emissions.
The report measures the increase over time in “exposure events,” which it defines as the number of times people experience any given extreme weather event.
By the end of the century, the report estimates, the exposure to heat waves each year for older people around the world is expected to be around 3 billion more cases than in 1990. The number of times people of all ages are exposed to drought would increase by more than a billion a year. The rise in exposures to extreme rain would be around 2 billion a year by the end of the century, in part because populations are growing.
Even without climate change, the health problems that come along with economic development are significant, the authors note. About 1.2 million people died from illnesses related to air pollution in China in 2010, the report said.
Most broad climate reports do not go further than explaining the science, but much of the Lancet report is dedicated to policy prescriptions to slow or stop climate change and mute its effects on health. It notes that using fewer fossil fuels “is no longer primarily a technical or economic question — it is now a political one,” and urges governments to enact changes that would accomplish that.
Principle 8f
Oceans are becoming more acidic
The chemistry of ocean water is changed by absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere is causing ocean water to become more acidic, threatening the survival of shell-building marine species and the entire food web of which they are a part.
The oceans are not, in fact, acidic, but slightly basic. Acidity is measured using the pH scale, where 7.0 is defined as neutral, with higher levels called "basic" and lower levels called "acidic". Historical global mean seawater values are approximately 8.16 on this scale, making them slightly basic. To put this in perspective, pure water has a pH of 7.0 (neutral), whereas household bleach has a pH of 12 (highly basic) and battery acid has a pH of zero (highly acidic). Read More…
Oceans are becoming more acidic
The chemistry of ocean water is changed by absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere is causing ocean water to become more acidic, threatening the survival of shell-building marine species and the entire food web of which they are a part.
The oceans are not, in fact, acidic, but slightly basic. Acidity is measured using the pH scale, where 7.0 is defined as neutral, with higher levels called "basic" and lower levels called "acidic". Historical global mean seawater values are approximately 8.16 on this scale, making them slightly basic. To put this in perspective, pure water has a pH of 7.0 (neutral), whereas household bleach has a pH of 12 (highly basic) and battery acid has a pH of zero (highly acidic).
By the end of this century, if concentrations of CO2 continue to rise at current rates, we may expect to see changes in pH that are three times greater and 100 times faster than those experienced during the transitions from glacial to interglacial periods. Such large changes in ocean pH have probably not been experienced on the planet for the past 21 million years.
However, even a small change in pH may lead to large changes in ocean chemistry and ecosystem functioning. Over the past 300 million years, global mean ocean pH values have probably never been more than 0.6 units lower than today. Ocean ecosystems have thus evolved over time in a very stable pH environment, and it is unknown if they can adapt to such large and rapid changes. Based on the emissions scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and general circulation models, we may expect a drop in ocean pH of about 0.4 pH units by the end of this century, and a 60% decrease in the concentration of calcium carbonate, the basic building block for the shells of many marine organisms.
For a good summary of climate change impacts on ocean acidification, visit the National Climate Assessment:
It's Not Just Acidification that's Harming the Oceans: Two Other Major Effects of Climate Change on the Earth's Oceans
Oceans are heating up too. Learn how ocean temperatures have changed over the past century:
Climate change may be choking the ocean’s oxygen supply too. Learn about the results of an indepth study of dissolved oxygen in the Earth's oceans since 1958.
Featured Interview
Principle 8g
Ecosystems are changing
Ecosystems on land and in the ocean have been and will continue to be disturbed by climate change. Animals, plants, bacteria, and viruses will migrate to new areas with favorable climate conditions. Infectious diseases and certain species will be able to invade areas that they did not previously inhabit.
In recent years, millions of pinyon pine trees in the American Southwest have died due to drought and high heat. Global climate models predict persistent drought for the American Southwest under current rates of change. They also project changes of similar magnitude to many other ecosystems across the western US and across the globe.
Read more…
Ecosystems are changing
Ecosystems on land and in the ocean have been and will continue to be disturbed by climate change. Animals, plants, bacteria, and viruses will migrate to new areas with favorable climate conditions. Infectious diseases and certain species will be able to invade areas that they did not previously inhabit.
In recent years, millions of pinyon pine trees in the American Southwest have died due to drought and high heat. Global climate models predict persistent drought for the American Southwest under current rates of change. They also project changes of similar magnitude to many other ecosystems across the western US and across the globe.
In the Pacific Northwest, the current warming trend is expected to continue, with average warming of 2.1 °C (3.78 °F) by the 2040s and 3.8 °C (6.84 °F) by the 2080s; precipitation may vary slightly, but the magnitude and direction are uncertain.
This warming will have far-reaching effects on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest and western Montana.
Hydrologic systems will be especially vulnerable as watersheds become increasingly rain dominated, rather than snow dominated, resulting in more autumn/winter flooding, higher peak flows, and lower summer flows. It will also greatly reduce suitable fish habitat, especially as stream temperatures increase above critical thresholds. In forest ecosystems, higher temperatures will increase stress and lower the growth and productivity of lower elevation tree species. Distribution and abundance of plant species may change over the long term, and increased disturbance (wildfire, insects, and invasive species) will cause rapid changes in ecosystem structure and function across broad landscapes. This in turn will alter habitat for a wide range of animal species by potentially reducing connectivity and late successional forest structure.
Coping with and adapting to the effects of an altered climate will become increasingly difficult after the mid-21st century, although adaptation strategies and tactics are available to ease the transition to a warmer climate. For roads and infrastructure, tactics for increasing resistance and resilience to higher peak flows include installing hardened stream crossings, stabilizing streambanks, designing culverts for projected peak flows, and upgrading bridges and increasing their height. For fisheries, tactics for increasing resilience of native trout to altered hydrology and higher stream temperature include restoring stream and floodplain complexity, reducing road density near streams, increasing forest cover to retain snow and decrease snow melt, and identifying and protecting cold-water refugia. For vegetation, tactics for increasing resilience to higher temperature and increased disturbance include accelerating development of late-successional forest conditions by reducing density and diversifying forest structure, managing for future range of variability in structure and species, including invasive species prevention strategies in all projects, and monitoring changes in tree distribution and establishment at tree line. For wildlife, tactics for increasing resilience to altered habitat include increasing diversity of age classes and restoring a patch mosaic, increasing fuel reduction treatments in dry forests, using conservation easements to maintain habitat connectivity, and removing exotic fish species to protect amphibian populations.
Learn about some of the ecosystem changes occurring in the Northeast by clicking on the topics below  
Impacts on Northeast Ecosystems
The Northeast is home to a diverse mixture of species and ecosystems that are affected by climate change. Ranges of certain tree species are moving northward and to higher elevations where temperatures are cooler. The range of economically important tree species, like sugar maple, is expected to shrink within the U.S. as its preferred climate shifts north into Canada. Warmer temperatures are also increasing outbreaks of forests pests and pathogens, including hemlock woolly adelgid. Growing deer populations have been degrading forest understories, while invasive plants like kudzu have been expanding their range and contributing to a loss of biodiversity, function, and resilience in some ecosystems.
Temperature changes also influence the timing of important ecological events, causing birds to migrate sooner and plants to bloom and leaf earlier. Climate change and sea level rise are expected to harm coastal ecosystems, causing declines in water quality, increasing harmful algal blooms, and shrinking marsh habitat.
Aquatic Ecosystems and Fish
Adapted from:
Jeff Mulhollem
June 4, 2017
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — A few degrees, on average, can make a huge difference in lakes and streams as aquatic species struggle to compete and in some cases survive, and that's why a warming climate is of concern to fisheries managers.
In some cases, like that of Eastern brook trout, the effects will be painfully obvious. Occupying only clean, cold streams, wild brook trout have been eradicated from nearly a third of their historic watersheds, and their populations have declined by more than half in an additional third of watersheds in their range in the eastern United States.
The fish has been a victim of pollution and degraded habitat resulting primarily from historical forestry practices and development.
If waters in the eastern United States continue to warm, "brookies" likely will occupy only small headwater streams in northern states and Canada in coming decades. Brook trout prefer temperatures between about 52 F and 61 F and can't live for long in water temperatures above about 75 F.
Plant Communities
Adapted from:
The Northeast is home to a diverse mixture of species and ecosystems that are affected by climate change. Ranges of certain tree species are moving northward and to higher elevations where temperatures are cooler. The range of economically important tree species, like sugar maple, is expected to shrink within the U.S. as its preferred climate shifts north into Canada. Warmer temperatures are also increasing outbreaks of forests pests and pathogens, including hemlock woolly adelgid. Growing deer populations have been degrading forest understories, while invasive plants like kudzu have been expanding their range and contributing to a loss of biodiversity, function, and resilience in some ecosystems. Temperature changes also influence the timing of important ecological events, causing birds to migrate sooner and plants to bloom and leaf earlier.
Tree species in the Northeast are shifting northward. The range of spruce/fir, maple, and elm/ash/cottonwood forests are shrinking and being replaced by oak/hickory forest in most of the region, and by loblolly/shortleaf pine forest in the southernmost areas. Source: USGCRP (2009)
For a good summaries of climate change impacts on tribes, the Northeast, and aquatic ecosystems in the Rockies, explore these publications:
Climate Impacts on Ecosystems
Climate is an important environmental influence on ecosystems. Climate changes and the impacts of climate change affect ecosystems in a variety of ways. For instance, warming could force species to migrate to higher latitudes or higher elevations where temperatures are more conducive to their survival. Similarly, as sea level rises, saltwater intrusion into a freshwater system may force some key species to relocate or die, thus removing predators or prey that were critical in the existing food chain.
Climate change not only affects ecosystems and species directly, it also interacts with other human stressors such as development. Although some stressors cause only minor impacts when acting alone, their cumulative impact may lead to dramatic ecological changes. [1] For instance, climate change may exacerbate the stress that land development places on fragile coastal areas. Additionally, recently logged forested areas may become vulnerable to erosion if climate change leads to increases in heavy rain storms.
Changes in the Timing of Seasonal Life-Cycle Events
For many species, the climate where they live or spend part of the year influences key stages of their annual life cycle, such as migration, blooming, and mating. As the climate has warmed in recent decades, the timing of these events has changed in some parts of the country. Some examples are:
- Warmer springs have led to earlier nesting for 28 migratory bird species on the East Coast of the United States. [1]
- Northeastern birds that winter in the southern United States are returning north in the spring 13 days earlier than they did in the early 20th century. [4]
- In a California study, 16 out of 23 butterfly species shifted their migration timing and arrived earlier. [4]
Range Shifts
As temperatures increase, the habitat ranges of many North American species are moving northward in latitude and upward in elevation. While this means a range expansion for some species, for others it means a range reduction or a movement into less hospitable habitat or increased competition. Some species have nowhere to go because they are already at the northern or upper limit of their habitat.
For example, boreal forests are invading tundra, reducing habitat for the many unique species that depend on the tundra ecosystem, such as caribou, arctic fox, and snowy owl. Other observed changes in the United States include expanding oak-hickory forests, contracting maple-beech forests, and disappearing spruce-fir forests. As rivers and streams warm, warmwater fish are expanding into areas previously inhabited by coldwater species. [5] Coldwater fish, including many highly valued trout species, are losing their habitats. As waters warm, the area of feasible, cooler habitats to which species can migrate is reduced. [5] Range shifts disturb the current state of the ecosystem and can limit opportunities for fishing and hunting.
See the Agriculture and Food Supply Impacts & Adaptation page for information about how habitats of marine species have shifted northward as waters have warmed.
Food Web Disruptions

The Arctic food web is complex. The loss of sea ice can ultimately affect the entire food web, from algae and plankton to fish to mammals. Source: NOAA (2011)
The impact of climate change on a particular species can ripple through a food web and affect a wide range of other organisms. For example, the figure shows the complex nature of the food web for polar bears. Declines in the duration and extent of sea ice in the Arctic leads to declines in the abundance of ice algae, which thrive in nutrient-rich pockets in the ice. These algae are eaten by zooplankton, which are in turn eaten by Arctic cod, an important food source for many marine mammals, including seals. Seals are eaten by polar bears. Hence, declines in ice algae can contribute to declines in polar bear populations. [4] [5] [6]
Threshold Effects
In some cases, ecosystem change occurs rapidly and irreversibly because a threshold, or "tipping point," is passed.
One area of concern for thresholds is the Prairie Pothole Region in the north-central part of the United States. This ecosystem is a vast area of small, shallow lakes, known as "prairie potholes" or "playa lakes." These wetlands provide essential breeding habitat for most North American waterfowl species. The pothole region has experienced temporary droughts in the past. However, a permanently warmer, drier future may lead to a threshold change—a dramatic drop in the prairie potholes that host waterfowl populations and provide highly valued hunting and wildlife viewing opportunities. [3]
Similarly, when coral reefs become stressed, they expel microorganisms that live within their tissues and are essential to their health. This is known as coral bleaching. As ocean temperatures warm and the acidity of the ocean increases, bleaching and coral die-offs are likely to become more frequent. Chronically stressed coral reefs are less likely to recover.
Pathogens, Parasites, and Disease
Climate change and shifts in ecological conditions could support the spread of pathogens, parasites, and diseases, with potentially serious effects on human health, agriculture, and fisheries. For example, the oyster parasite, Perkinsus marinus, is capable of causing large oyster die-offs. This parasite has extended its range northward from Chesapeake Bay to Maine, a 310-mile expansion tied to above-average winter temperatures. [8] For more information about climate change impacts on agriculture, visit the Agriculture and Food Supply Impacts & Adaptation page. To learn more about climate change impacts on human health, visit the Health Impacts & Adaptation page.
Extinction Risks
Climate change, along with habitat destruction and pollution, is one of the important stressors that can contribute to species extinction. The IPCC estimates that 20-30% of the plant and animal species evaluated so far in climate change studies are at risk of extinction if temperatures reach levels projected to occur by the end of this century. [1] Projected rates of species extinctions are 10 times greater than recently observed global average rates and 10,000 times greater than rates observed in the distant past (as recorded in fossils). [2] Examples of species that are particularly climate sensitive and could be at risk of significant losses include animals that are adapted to mountain environments, such as the pika, animals that are dependent on sea ice habitats, such as ringed seals, and cold-water fish, such as salmon in the Pacific Northwest. [5]
For information about how communities are adapting to the impacts of climate change on ecosystems, visit the Ecosystems Adaptation section.
1. Fischlin, A., G.F. Midgley, J.T. Price, R. Leemans, B. Gopal, C. Turley, M.D.A. Rounsevell, O.P. Dube, J. Tarazona, A.A. Velichko (2007). Ecosystems, their Properties, Goods, and Services. In: Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability . Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Parry, M.L., O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden, and C.E. Hanson (eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
2. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005). Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Biodiversity Synthesis (PDF). World Resources Institute, Washington, DC, USA.
3. CCSP (2009). Thresholds of Climate Change in Ecosystems . A report by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research. Fagre, D.B., Charles, C.W., Allen, C.D., Birkeland, C., Chapin, F.S. III, Groffman, P.M., Guntenspergen, G.R., Knapp, A.K., McGuire, A.D., Mulholland, P.J., Peters, D.P.C., Roby, D.D., and Sugihara, G. U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, Washington DC, USA.
4. CCSP (2008). The Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture, Land Resources, Water Resources, and Biodiversity in the United States . A Report by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research. Backlund, P., A. Janetos, D. Schimel, J. Hatfield, K. Boote, P. Fay, L. Hahn, C. Izaurralde, B.A. Kimball, T. Mader, J. Morgan, D. Ort, W. Polley, A. Thomson, D. Wolfe, M. Ryan, S. Archer, R. Birdsey, C. Dahm, L. Heath, J. Hicke, D. Hollinger, T. Huxman, G. Okin, R. Oren, J. Randerson, W. Schlesinger, D. Lettenmaier, D. Major, L. Poff, S. Running, L. Hansen, D. Inouye, B.P. Kelly, L Meyerson, B. Peterson, and R. Shaw. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA.
5. USGCRP (2009). Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States . Karl, T.R., J.M. Melillo, and T.C. Peterson (eds.). United States Global Change Research Program. Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, USA.
6. ACIA (2004). Impacts of a Warming Arctic: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment . Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
7. NRC (2008). Understanding and Responding to Climate Change: Highlights of National Academies Reports . National Research Council. The National Academies Press, Washington, DC, USA.
8. NRC (2008). Ecological Impacts of Climate Change . National Research Council. The National Academy Press, Washington, DC, USA.
Climate Change Threatens to Sink Gulf of Maine Fishing Industry
As waters warm, valuable species migrate and the fishing fleet shrinks.
SEABROOK, N.H. — The cod isn’t just a fish to David Goethel. It’s his identity, his ticket to middle-class life, his link to a historic industry.
“I paid for my education, my wife’s education, my house, my kids’ education; my slice of America was paid for on cod,” said Goethel, a 30-year veteran of these waters that once teemed with New England’s signature fish.
But on this chilly, windy Saturday in April, after 12 hours out in the Gulf of Maine, he has caught exactly two cod, and he feels far removed from the 1990s, when he could catch 2,000 pounds in a day.
His boat, the Ellen Diane, a 44-foot fishing trawler named for his wife, is the only vessel pulling into the Yankee Fishermen’s Co-op in Seabrook. Fifteen years ago, there might have been a half-dozen. He is carrying crates of silver hake, skates and flounder – all worth less than cod.
One of America’s oldest commercial industries, fishing along the coast of the Northeast still employs hundreds. But every month, those numbers fall. After centuries of overfishing, pollution, foreign competition and increasing government regulation, the latest challenge is the one that’s doing them in: climate change.
Though no waters are immune to the ravages of climate change, the Gulf of Maine, a dent in the coastline from Cape Cod to Nova Scotia, best illustrates the problem. The gulf, where fishermen have for centuries sought lobster, cod and other species that thrived in its cold waters, is now warming faster than 99 percent of the world’s oceans, scientists have said.
The warming waters, in the gulf and elsewhere, have caused other valuable species, such as clams, to migrate to deeper or more northern waters. Others, such as lobsters, are largely gone from the once-lucrative waters off the southern New England states of Connecticut and Rhode Island, having become more susceptible to disease or predators.
Lobster catches in Maine are booming as the species creeps north, but as the warming continues, that’s a good thing that’s bound to end. A federal report from 2009 said that half of 36 fish stocks studied in the northwest Atlantic Ocean have been shifting north over the past 40 years, and that the trend is likely to continue.
Fish aren’t the only ones moving on, and not just in the Northeast. The U.S. fishing fleet has dwindled from more than 120,000 vessels in 1996 to about 75,000 today, the Coast Guard says.
For the fishermen of the northeastern U.S. – not all of whom accept the scientific consensus on climate change, and many of whom bristle at government regulations stemming from it – whether to stick with fishing, adapt to the changing ocean or leave the business is a constant worry.
Robert Bradfield was one of the East Coast’s most endangered species, a Rhode Island lobsterman, until he pulled his traps out of the water for the last time about a decade ago.
Bradfield, of Newport, started in the fishery in the mid-1970s and stayed in it for about 30 years, sometimes catching 2,000 pounds of lobster a day. During his final years, he was lucky if he caught 100 pounds, not even enough to pay for bait, fuel and deckhands.
He now works on a pilot boat, guiding larger ships in and out of the harbor. He is glad he’s still on the water, but he misses lobstering and the community of fishermen he used to see in Newport.
“There’s probably 95 percent attrition out of that fishery in this area,” Bradfield said. “Of all the guys I fished with, I was a lobsterman for 30 years, and there’s maybe three left.”
The number of adult lobsters in New England south of Cape Cod slid to about 10 million in 2013, according to a report issued last year by an interstate regulatory board. It was about 50 million in the late 1990s. The lobster catch in the region sank to about 3.3 million pounds in 2013, from a peak of about 22 million in 1997.
Bradfield’s take on the role of warming oceans is nuanced and reflects the many years he spent on the water. Shell disease, he said, has taken a toll on southern New England’s lobster stock, something scientists say is a result of rising temperatures.
Bradfield also agrees with scientists who say the increase in predatory fish, such as black sea bass, is bad for the lobster population. Warming oceans are responsible for the increase in those fish species off New England, scientists say.
But Bradfield, a father to three grown children, also said his decision to leave the fishery was more about economics than science. He thinks some published studies are inconsistent. And he laments that Newport’s docks, once home to dozens of lobster boats, are now down to a few.
“It tore me up to do something else,” he said.
Others in the lobster business dispute the science that lays the blame on climate change. Nicholas Crismale, a former lobsterman and president of the Connecticut Commercial Lobstermen’s Association, is one of many lobstermen in his state who believes pesticide runoff is to blame.
Connecticut researchers found no pesticides in lobsters collected in Long Island Sound in late 2014. But Crismale, out of the business for four years and helping to run his wife’s restaurant, Lobster Shack in Branford, sticks to the hypothesis, even in the face of science.
“The warming stuff is a lot of baloney,” he said. “All that is is another scientist looking for a grant.”
Crismale said it’s a shame that lobstering, often a multigenerational enterprise in New England, is reaching its end in Connecticut. He used to bring his daughters out fishing with him, but they’ve grown up to be a lawyer and a teacher, and another generation isn’t taking their place.
“I’m never going to be able to take a grandchild out on my boat,” Crismale said. “And some of the other fishermen were second and third-generation fishermen. And they lost all that.”
Connecticut’s lobster fishery, based on Long Island Sound, has been hit especially hard by warming water and has been reduced to nearly nothing.
A power plant on the sound recorded more than 75 days with an average water temperature above 68 degrees Fahrenheit in each of the years 2012, 2013 and 2014, according to a regulatory board’s report. Between 1976 and 2010, that happened only twice. Lobsters prefer temperatures in the high 50s and low 60s.
There were nearly 300 lobstermen in Connecticut in 1999, and now there are maybe a dozen full-timers left.
Some in the Rhode Island lobster fishery said it’s still possible to make a living in the business.
Greg Mataronas, the president of the Rhode Island Lobstermen’s Association, who fishes out of Little Compton, said regulations and territoriality prevent members of the state’s fleet from moving to more fertile grounds. But the few remaining lobstermen in Rhode Island are still able to pull lobsters from the state’s waters, he said.
“There’s a real disconnect between what the guys are seeing on the water and what the scientists are saying,” he said.
Bradfield isn’t buying it. He is glad he left the business, as painful as it was to leave a piece of his identity behind.
“There’s a saying: Behind every successful fisherman is a wife with a good job,” he said. “You go down to the State Pier in Rhode Island now, guys hate what they’re doing right now.”
David Goethel has spent most of his life fishing for New England cod, and he doesn’t want to stop now.
“I could catch the entire quota for the Gulf of Maine in eight days,” Goethel said in a bit of bravado he swears is not an exaggeration. “I wouldn’t break a sweat doing it.”
Fishing is in Goethel’s blood. He paid his way through Boston University by taking thrill-seekers out on “party boat” fishing trips in Boston Harbor and segued into commercial cod fishing in 1982.
Today, he operates a trawler that leaves from New Hampshire, its nets scouring the Gulf of Maine for fish. But the catch these days is different – with the cod in jeopardy and quotas that limit his ability to catch them at all-time lows, cod fishermen like Goethel try to eke out a living by supplementing cod with just about anything else they can catch.
Goethel, 62, is making much less money. In the 1980s and ’90s, he could bring in $120,000 in a year, but is now making about $60,000, without subtracting a health insurance bill over $27,000. He and his wife, who is up every day at 4 a.m. for a far-flung teaching job, haven’t taken a vacation in three years.
Retirement isn’t in the cards for Goethel – at least, not soon.
“My wife is working far more than she used to,” he said. “I have to work more to make less.”
The challenges climate change have brought to commercial fishing are perhaps most noticeable in New England’s cod fishery, which has dwindled from more than 1,200 boats in the 1980s to only a few dozen today. In that time, the catch of cod has also plummeted, from more than 117 million pounds in 1980 to just over 5 million in 2014.
Most consumers haven’t noticed the collapse, with cod still readily available at restaurants and markets because of foreign sources like Iceland and Norway.
Scientists said late last year that the impact of climate change on Atlantic cod might be worse than previously thought. Fishermen pursue the fish in the Gulf of Maine and, farther off New England, the shallows of Georges Bank, both of which have experienced dramatic temperature rise. Around 2004, the gulf began warming about 10 times faster than previously.
“This is what global warming looks like in the Gulf of Maine,” said Andrew Pershing, a Maine-based marine scientist who co-authored the paper last year in the journal Science.
Goethel, also a marine scientist and a former member of a regional regulatory board, doesn’t bemoan the ocean’s changing temperature as much as the rules he must play by. Because of the tight quotas, he must avoid fishing around areas where cod live, he said. That is because cod are a “choke species,” and when fishermen reach their quota for cod they aren’t allowed to pursue other fish.
Like others in the cod fishery, Goethel has had to adapt, but at his core he remains a cod fisherman. The experience has left him frustrated and more than a little bitter.
He doesn’t dispute the scientific consensus about climate change, but he does think government regulators apply that science in a manner unnecessarily punitive to fishermen. He plastered a sticker on his boat declaring, “Who says there’s no fish?”
For the most recent fishing year, he was allotted 3,600 pounds of cod. He caught his allotment of 60,000 pounds in 2010, and leased and caught an additional 50,000. He believes that the cod have moved and not died off, and that he could easily continue catching high totals without strict regulations.
Scientists have said warming waters have indeed motivated some young cod to seek deeper, colder waters – some of which are closed to fishing.
The cuts to catch limits represented the first and biggest blow to the industry, and they stemmed from overfishing and subsequent regulations designed to stop fishermen from taking too much from the sea. They were meant to preserve the fishery for future generations, and it made earning a living difficult.
Climate change has only exacerbated that trouble.
Other obstacles, such as the government-imposed cost of on-board monitors to collect data to inform future fishing quotas, have rankled Goethel, whose lawsuit seeking to block the charges is pending. But he perseveres.
“The future of the cod fishery is not that it’s in jeopardy,” Goethel said. “It needs to be recalibrated.”
Government regulators, such as John Bullard, a regional administrator for fisheries for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, have said the quota cuts that irk fishermen are necessary to rebuild the stock. But he has acknowledged the rebuilding effort comes with an “economic price.”
The changes have been difficult emotionally for Goethel, whose sons, Daniel and Eric, are a fisheries biologist and a tugboat captain. He instilled a love of fishing in everyone in his family, and old traditions are hard to part with.
“Eric would get rolled out of bed to go fishing,” Ellen said. “He did the same thing to me.”
Michael Mohr harvested surf clams for almost 30 of his 55 years, and his desire to stay in the only business he has ever known now takes him far from his family.
The clams he caught for decades feed tourists and locals alike in towns all along the coast. Now, those clams, which he once caught off New Jersey, are found northward or farther out to sea.
Mohr has also moved on. About 10 years ago, he started commuting six hours each way from his home in Mays Landing, New Jersey, to the former whaling port of New Bedford, Massachusetts. He has also switched clam species; he got his start fishing for Atlantic surf clams but now pursues the ocean quahog.
The quahog is well known to New England diners as a stuffed clam or in its own kind of chowder. Both quahogs and surf clams populate supermarket seafood sections.
The reason for Mohr’s decision has been documented by published science, as well as on the decks of the boat he fishes from, the ESS Pursuit. Moving north for quahogs was a way to remain a clammer.
“We’re finding clams in deeper water instead of inshore water, where we used to work 25 years ago,” Mohr said. “It’s just affecting everything.”
Mohr leaves behind his wife of 20 years and makes the drive to New Bedford so he and his 29-year-old son, Danny, can spend 20 days out of 30 aboard the Pursuit. Mohr has two other adult children who live in New Jersey.
He has missed his children’s first days at school, their sports events, and weddings of loved ones while out chasing clams, and, later, quahogs. Missing out on family life is worse these days because of his long commute on Interstate 95.
Whether Mohr can make holidays like Thanksgiving is “hit-and-miss,” said his wife, Melanie.
Mohr’s migration story is common in the clamming business, said Dave Wallace, a Maryland-based consultant in the industry. It was once based largely off Atlantic City, near Mohr’s home, but has shifted northward along with the clams, he said.
Some fishermen have decided to instead pursue quahogs, as Mohr has, while others now travel farther out to sea to harvest surf clams. The surf clam fishery has slipped somewhat in the face of the changes, with a little less than 41 million pounds caught in 2014, the second-lowest total since 1980.
Mohr is undaunted. Clamming has been good to him, and if he has to spend more time on the road as he nears 60, so be it.
“It’s just a way of life,” Mohr said. “You’ve got to go where the money is at, and you’re happy. Right now, I’m happy.”
Marine food chains at risk of collapse, extensive study of world's oceans finds
The food chains of the world’s oceans are at risk of collapse due to the release of greenhouse gases, overfishing and localised pollution, a stark new analysis shows.
A study of 632 published experiments of the world’s oceans, from tropical to arctic waters, spanning coral reefs and the open seas, found that climate change is whittling away the diversity and abundance of marine species.
The paper, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found there was “limited scope” for animals to deal with warming waters and acidification, with very few species escaping the negative impact of increasing carbon dioxide dissolution in the oceans.
The world’s oceans absorb about a third of all the carbon dioxide emitted by the burning of fossil fuels. The ocean has warmed by about 1C since pre-industrial times, and the water increased to be 30% more acidic.
The acidification of the ocean, where the pH of water drops as it absorbs carbon dioxide, will make it hard for creatures such as coral, oysters and mussels to form the shells and structures that sustain them. Meanwhile, warming waters are changing the behaviour and habitat range of fish.
The overarching analysis of these changes, led by the University of Adelaide, found that the amount of plankton will increase with warming water but this abundance of food will not translate to improved results higher up the food chain.
“There is more food for small herbivores, such as fish, sea snails and shrimps, but because the warming has driven up metabolism rates the growth rate of these animals is decreasing,” said associate professor Ivan Nagelkerken of Adelaide University. “As there is less prey available, that means fewer opportunities for carnivores. There’s a cascading effect up the food chain.
“Overall, we found there’s a decrease in species diversity and abundance irrespective of what ecosystem we are looking at. These are broad scale impacts, made worse when you combine the effect of warming with acidification.
“We are seeing an increase in hypoxia, which decreases the oxygen content in water, and also added stressors such as overfishing and direct pollution. These added pressures are taking away the opportunity for species to adapt to climate change.”
The research adds to recent warnings over the state of the oceans, with the world experiencing the third global bleaching of coral reefs.
Since 2014, a massive underwater heatwave, driven by climate change, has caused corals to lose their brilliance and die in every ocean. By the end of this year 38% of the world’s reefs will have been affected. About 5% will have died.
Coral reefs make up just 0.1% of the ocean’s floor but nurture 25% of the world’s marine species. There are concerns that ecosystems such as Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, which has lost half its coral cover over the past 30 years, could be massively diminished by 2050 unless greenhouse gas emissions are slashed and localised pollution is curbed.
Meanwhile, warming of the oceans is causing water to thermally expand, fuelling sea level rises caused by melting land ice. Research released in the US on Monday found that Antarctic ice is melting so fast that the whole continent could be at risk by 2100, with severe consequences for coastal communities.
Problems in the ocean’s food chains will be a direct concern for hundreds of millions of people who rely upon seafood for sustenance, medicines and income. The loss of coral reefs could also worsen coastal erosion due to their role in protecting shorelines from storms and cyclones.
“These effects are happening now and will only be exacerbated in the next 50 to 100 years,” Nagelkerken said. “We are already seeing strange things such as the invasion of tropical species into temperate waters off south-eastern Australia. But if we reduce additional stressors such as overfishing and pollution, we can give species a better chance to adapt to climate change.”
US forests struggle as drought and climate change bite
The speed at which the climate is changing is outstripping forests’ ability to adapt to drier, hotter conditions across vast swathes of the US and Canada
Yosemite national park in California is one of many in the region afflicted by drought – water levels in the Merced River are up to 4 feet lower than usual (Pic: Pixabay)
By Tim Radford
Drought and climate change are now threatening almost all the forests of the continental US, according to new research.
Scientists from 14 laboratories and institutions warn in the journal Global Change Biology that climate is changing faster than tree populations can adapt
Existing forests, effectively and literally rooted to the spot, are experiencing conditions hotter and less reliably rainy than those in which they had evolved.
“Over the last two decades, warming temperatures and variable precipitation have increased the severity of forest droughts across much of the continental United States,” says James Clark, professor of global environmental change at Duke University, North Carolina.
He and colleagues synthesised hundreds of studies to arrive at a snapshot of changing conditions and a prediction of troubles ahead.
Ominous predictions
Other research has already delivered ominous predictions for the forests of the US southwest, but the scientists warn that other, normally leafier parts of the continent face increasing stress. Dieback, bark beetle infestation and wildfire risk may no longer be confined to the western uplands.
“While eastern forests have not experienced the types of changes seen in western forests in recent decades, they too are vulnerable to drought and could experience significant changes with increased severity, frequency, or duration in drought,” the authors say.
Professor Clark puts it more bluntly: “Our analysis shows virtually all US forests are now experiencing change and are vulnerable to future declines.
Given the uncertainty in our understanding of how forest species and stands adapt to rapid change, it’s going to be difficult to anticipate the type of forests that will be here in 20 to 40 years.”
Quite what happens depends on the speed at which nations switch from fossil fuels – which release the greenhouse gases that drive global warming – to renewable energy. But because carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have risen sharply in the last century, some degree of change is inevitable.
“This is like climate change on steroids, and it happens over much more rapid timescales”
A team of researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder took a closer look at how hotter and drier conditions affect forests. They report in Ecology Letters that felling and forest clearance seem to make things worse, as the newly-exposed edges of an existing forest become more susceptible to drastic temperature changes.
“When you chop down trees, you create hotspots in the landscape that are just scorched by the sun. These hotspots can change the way that heat moves through a landscape,” says the report’s lead author, Kika Tuff, a PhD student at the university’s department of ecology and evolutionary biology.
Low air pressure in the cleared spots pulls the cool moist air from the shade of the trees, to be replaced by hot, dry air. The cleared areas then get the rainfall, while the nearby forest dries.
The warming effect is most pronounced within between 20 and 100 metres of the forest’s edge, where temperatures can be as much as 8°C higher than deep in the forest interior.
Since 20% of the world’s remaining forests lie within 100 metres of an edge, and more than 70% lie within a kilometre of an edge, the discovery suggests that thewarming effect could be happening anywhere, or everywhere.
Tuff says: “This is like climate change on steroids, and it happens over much more rapid timescales.”
Millennium of growth
Meanwhile, to look more closely at the stresses that forests are now facing, two researchers at Washington State University in Vancouver report in the Royal Society Open Science journal that they have made a mathematical model of a forest, enabling them to replicate a millennium of growth and change in about three weeks.
They say they have already used the model to predict increasing fire rates in the hardwood forests of Quebec, because of rising carbon dioxide levels and warmer temperatures.
The model is based on data collected by drone surveys, and it is, they say, the only simulation that creates intricate root systems and canopy structures for each tree. The idea is to provide a tool that can help foresters plan for change.
“One of the major concerns is how climatic changes, in particular droughts, can affect forest structure and dynamics,” they write.
“Drive an hour east along the Columbia River from Vancouver and you will notice a complete transition from very dense forests to savanna and then to desert,” says Nikolay Strigul, assistant professor of mathematics and statistics at Washington State.
“The fear is that drier conditions in the future will prevent forests in places like Washington from re-establishing themselves after a clear-cut or wildfire. This could lead to increasing amounts of once-forested areas converted to desert.”
This article was produced by the Climate News Network
Principle 8h
Climate change is altering the timing of natural events
Timing matters: Flowers bloom, insects emerge, birds migrate, and planting and hunting seasons are carefully coordinated times in order to take advantage of what other organisms, or the weather, is up to.
But increasing research is showing some of these relationships are falling out of sync as climate change alters important cues, such as the arrival of spring warmth.
"There are going to be winners and losers," said David Inouye, a biology professor at the University of Maryland, Read more…
Climate change is altering the timing of natural events
Timing matters: Flowers bloom, insects emerge, birds migrate, and planting and hunting seasons are carefully coordinated times in order to take advantage of what other organisms, or the weather, is up to.
But increasing research is showing some of these relationships are falling out of sync as climate change alters important cues, such as the arrival of spring warmth.
"There are going to be winners and losers," said David Inouye, a biology professor at the University of Maryland, who has followed seasonal events at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory in Colorado since 1973. "The ultimate outcome will be that some species go extinct and some manage to adapt."
This isn't just a problem for the natural world. Shifts in seasonal events can have direct implications for humans, "because we, as human societies, are adapted to certain seasonal conditions," said Shannon McNeeley, a postdoctoral researcher at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) who has studied how a mismatch is playing out in Alaska. There, changes in the moose migrations have made it difficult for native people to obtain the meat they need during the legal hunting season.
Featured Interview
For a good summary of impacts on seasonal patterns of plants and animals, visit the National Climate Assessment:
For a brief account of how climate change is affecting hummingbirds and their nectar sources, read this article from Audubon:

Are Early Blooms Putting Hummingbirds At Risk?
Audubon’s chief scientist talks migration, climate change, and what you can do to help.
Jesse Greenspan
Published Apr 07, 2015
No one understands the relationship between climate change and hummingbirds better than Audubon’s chief scientist Gary Langham. He led a groundbreaking study in 2014 that determined that about half of all North American bird species will lose their homes if we don’t do something to stop global warming. Now, to further that study, Audubon is sourcing data from people across the country who host hummingbirds in their backyards. The project, called Hummingbirds at Home, starts up again on April 8.
Langham emphasized the importance of Hummingbirds at Home to Audubon while answering questions about what will happen to the 18 or so hummingbird species in the United States (including rare visitors from Mexico) and the role citizen scientists play in ensuring their survival.
What were some of the regular challenges of a hummingbird migration even before climate change became a factor?
Well, any kind of migration, let alone a hummingbird, is sort of a minor miracle. Imagine a Ruby-throated Hummingbird crossing the Gulf of Mexico in one flight. How in the world does it have enough energy stored up in that little body? It’s just amazing. And then you factor in all of the threats it has to encounter, from weather to manmade structures.
So how has climate change made it worse?
If the nectar sources you depend on bloom too early, you run the risk of showing up after the party’s already over. That’s one of the things that got us thinking about Hummingbirds at Home. The Broad-tailed Hummingbird’s primary food source right now is this big yellow flower called the glacier lily. There’s research out of the University of Maryland showing that the bird is still arriving at its breeding grounds in the Rockies at the same time as previous years, but that climate change is causing the glacier lily to open up earlier and earlier in the season. It’s not hard to extrapolate that soon, Broad-tailed Hummingbirds may show up and not have their main food source. Maybe new flowers will take the glacier lily’s place. Or maybe this shift will turn out to be really bad for the bird.
Are some hummingbirds more endangered by climate change than others?
The hummingbird I grew up with in California, the Anna’s Hummingbird, was mercifully on the climate stable list (in the Audubon Birds and Climate Change Report). But unfortunately, one of the other coastal California hummingbirds, the Allen’s, is listed as climate-endangered. Its summer range seems to be decreasing, whereas the winter range is shifting northward pretty dramatically. The Rufous is also listed as climate-endangered. In some ways, it might be affected even more dramatically than the Allen’s. The other two species listed as climate-threatened are the Calliope and Black-chinned Hummingbirds.
So the Broad-tailed isn’t one of them?
While the Broad-tailed Hummingbird, in the way we did the climate report, was shown to be stable, its food sources are not. The food sources and a lot of ancillary things that are really important to animals are actually not included in our report. And that makes the prospects even more dire than what we projected.
How will Hummingbirds at Home help these species?
If we can better understand what the hummingbirds are feeding on, we can maybe get ahead of the curb and plant things that are either climate-stable or that will properly match up with the birds’ migrations. To me, the next iteration is to generate a specific list of plants that people can use for hummingbirds in their areas.
In the three years since Hummingbirds at Home started, what has stood out to you about the project?
People are very passionate about their backyards and gardens, and they’re very passionate about hummingbirds. Hummingbirds are like raptors. They somehow have this supernatural ability to capture people’s attention. Because hummingbirds come in people’s yards, they’re also a great way to engage kids. One of the things that’s kind of lost in our digital world is that connection to nature.
Is the eventual goal to have something as long-running and as scientifically useful as, say, the Breeding Bird Survey or the Christmas Bird Count?
I think that would be great! I hesitate to forecast anything for an individual project, but I could imagine that it would do just that. Or maybe we’ll broaden it to be more inclusive of a broader range of birds, or maybe it will be absorbed by something else. We want whatever it is we’re doing to feel meaningful to people and be fun and free and family-friendly.

Climate Impacts on Wildlife
Jessica Aldred
Monday 31 March 2014 07.31 EDT
Polar bears are seen south of Churchill, Manitoba, in this undated handout photo. Lightning-sparked wildfires along Canada's Hudson Bay are threatening polar bears' summer habitat, encroaching on the old tree roots and frozen soil where females make their dens, an conservation expert on the big white bears said on Thursday. Photograph: Reuters
One focus of the latest report from the UN panel on climate change is the impact on Earth's ecosystems. The report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says that in recent decades, many plant and animal species have moved their range, changed numbers or shifted their seasonal activities as a result of warmer temperatures.
Moving on up
Species are matching temperature rises by increasingly shifting their range (the geographic area to which their activity is confined) towards the cooler poles or higher altitudes – sometimes three times faster than previously thought. Species that already inhabit the upper limit of their habitat – such as the polar bear, snow leopard or dotterel – literally have nowhere left to go.
The British comma butterfly has moved 137 miles northward in the past two decades, while geometrid moths on Mount Kinabalu in Borneo have shifted uphill by 59 metres in 42 years. The quiver tree of southern Africa is increasing as it moves towards the south pole, but dying of heat and water stress in its shrinking northern range. Dartford warblers have been steadily moving northwards in the UK while declining on the southern edge of their range in Spain.
A comma butterfly in Kent, UK. Photograph: Robert Pickett/Alamy
In the seas, rising numbers of warm-water crustaceans have been found around Norway's polar islands, while the snow crab has extended its range northwards by up to 311 miles. The IPCC report warns that many species will be unable to move fast enough to track suitable climates, with plants, amphibians and small mammals in flat landscapes or that remain close to their breeding site particularly vulnerable.
Seasonal shift
For many species, climate influences important stages in their annual life cycle, like migration or mating. The report shows major shifts in this "phenology" in recent decades, mainly in the northern hemisphere. "Spring advancement" – the earlier occurrence of breeding, bud burst, breaking hibernation, flowering and migration – has been found in hundreds of plant and animal species in many regions. Migratory birds including the whitethroat, reed warbler and song thrush are arriving earlier, three species of Japanese amphibians have been found to be breeding earlier, while the edible dormouse has been emerging earlier from hibernation by an average of eight days per decade.
Climate change is disrupting flower pollination, research shows
Damian Carrington
Thursday 6 November 2014 12.00 EST
New research reveals that rising temperatures are causing bees to fly before flowers have bloomed, making pollination less likelyThe early spider orchid and miner bee, that depend on each other for reproduction, have become increasingly out of sync as spring temperatures rise, research has shown. Photograph: Friedhelm Adam/Getty Images
Sexual deceit, pressed flowers and Victorian bee collectors are combined in new scientific research which demonstrates for the first time that climate change threatens flower pollination, which underpins much of the world’s food production.
The work used museum records stretching back to 1848 to show that the early spider orchid and the miner bee on which it depends for reproduction have become increasingly out of sync as spring temperatures rise due to global warming.
The orchid resembles a female miner bee and exudes the same sex pheromone to seduce the male bee into “pseudocopulation” with the flower, an act which also achieves pollination. The orchids have evolved to flower at the same time as the bee emerges.
But while rising temperatures cause both the orchid and the bee to flower or fly earlier in the spring, the bees are affected much more, which leads to a mismatch.
“We have shown that plants and their pollinators show different responses to climate change and that warming will widen the timeline between bees and flowers emerging,” said Dr Karen Robbirt, at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and the University of East Anglia (UEA). “If replicated in less specific systems, this could have severe implications for crop productivity.”
She said the research, published in Current Biology on Thursday, is “the first clear example, supported by long-term data, of the potential for climate change to disrupt critical [pollination] relationships between species.”
Three-quarters of all food crops rely on pollination, and bees and other pollinators have already suffered heavily in recent decades from disease, pesticide use and the widespread loss of the flowery habitats on which they feed. In the UK alone, the free fertilisation provided by pollinators is estimated to be worth £430m a year to farmers.
Professor Anthony Davy, also at UEA and part of the research team, said: “There will be progressive disruption of pollination systems with climatic warming, which could lead to the breakdown of co-evolved interactions between species.”
Scientists have already identified a few timing mismatches caused by global warming between species and their prey. Oak tree buds are eaten by winter moths, whose caterpillars are in turn fed by great tits to their chicks, but the synchronicity of all these events has been disrupted.
Suspected mismatches have occurred between sea birds and fish, such as puffins and herring and guillemots and sand eels. The red admiral butterfly and the stinging nettle, one of its host plants, are also getting out of sync.
The new study focused on the early spider orchid Ophrys sphegodes, found in southern England, and the solitary miner bee species Andrena nigroaenea because they have a very close relationship. Other plants can be pollinated by many insects and other insects can pollinate many plants, making it very hard to determine the effect of changing temperatures.
The solitary miner bee is affected more by rising temperatures than the early spider orchid that it pollinates. Photograph: Oxford University
Another challenge is that the temperature effects can be subtle, meaning data has to be collected over a long period. Robbirt and her colleagues realised that the natural history museums in London and Oxford and Kew Gardens had dated specimens of both the orchid and the bee stretching back to 1848.
Analysing all the data, and checking it against recent surveys, revealed that the orchid flowers six days earlier for every 1C increase in spring temperatures. But the effect on the male miner bee was greater, as it emerged nine days earlier.
The female miner bees, which usually emerge later than the male, emerged 15 days earlier. The latter effect meant the male bees were less likely to visit the orchid flowers for pseudocopulation. “The orchids are likely to be outcompeted by the real thing,” said Robbirt.
The UK government published its national pollinator strategy on Tuesday. It was welcomed by the pesticide trade body, the Crop Protection Association and the National Farmers Union. But Joan Walley MP, chair of parliament’s Environmental Audit Committee, said: “I am disappointed the government seems stubbornly determined to keep open the possibility of challenging the EU ban on neonicotinoid pesticides, which have been linked to pollinator declines.”

Climate Change Throws Nature's Timing Out of Whack
by Wynne Parry
Timing matters: Flowers bloom, insects emerge, birds migrate, and planting and hunting seasons are carefully coordinated times in order to take advantage of what other organisms, or the weather, is up to.
But increasing research is showing some of these relationships are falling out of sync as climate change alters important cues, such as the arrival of spring warmth.
"There are going to be winners and losers," said David Inouye, a biology professor at the University of Maryland, who has followed seasonal events at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory in Colorado since 1973. "The ultimate outcome will be that some species go extinct and some manage to adapt."
This isn't just a problem for the natural world. Shifts in seasonal events can have direct implications for humans, "because we, as human societies, are adapted to certain seasonal conditions," said Shannon McNeeley, a postdoctoral researcher at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) who has studied how a mismatch is playing out in Alaska. There, changes in the moose migrations have made it difficult for native people to obtain the meat they need during the legal hunting season.
"This more subtle seasonal change has not been a main focus of climate research," McNeeley said. "I think it is going to be one that emerges more and more as we see these changes happening, and we start to have more conflicts around this."
Changes in nature
Evidence going back decades and sometimes even longer shows the timing of some biological events is shifting around the world. Studies document the progressively earlier arrival of spring, by about 2.3 to 5.2 days per decade in the last 30 years, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's 2007 report. That report lists studies showing changes in seasonal timing, or phenology, of the first and last leaves on gingko trees in Japan, butterfly emergence in the United Kingdom, bird migrations in Australia, the first leaves and flowers of lilacs in North America, among many others.
But not everything is changing together, leading to complex results.
During his years in the Colorado mountains, Inouye has seen the winter snow melt earlier, the result of warmer springs, less snowfall during the winter and more dust carried in by storms, which accelerates melting. The last frost, however, continues to happen at about the same time.
His work indicates this is bad for the Mormon fritillary butterfly since an early start to the growing season may put caterpillars and the flower buds that could later feed adult butterflies at the mercy of frosts. Migratory hummingbirds, which also consume the flowers' nectar, are arriving earlier in the spring now, but they aren't quite keeping pace with the first flowers, a potential mismatch that could ultimately lead to fewer flowers for the birds to pollinate, said Inouye.
Decades of data show that robins are showing up earlier, as are the hibernating marmots, and there is evidence that this shift is benefiting the marmots, who appear to be putting on more weight during the summer.
Records of spring flowers in Concord, Mass., initially kept by Henry David Thoreau, show that not only are flowers blooming earlier, the species that haven't moved up their first bloom dates are disappearing.
Human implications
Even in modern society, human activities track the seasons. In search of shifts in human phenology, one study looked at national park attendance, and found a shift toward peak attendance earlier in the year for parks located in places where spring is getting warmer.
The effects of climate change are showing up dramatically in the Arctic, and changes in the timing of seasonal events are no exception, McNeeley said. "You are starting to see these seasonality mismatches in a much more enhanced way than you are in the lower 48 [U.S. states]," she said.
These changes are pushing nature and human regulatory systems apart, creating problems for Alaskan natives who depend on wild food, particularly moose, but can only legally hunt it during a specific period. The hunting season, historically, has been timed to the moose migration out of their summer feeding grounds into the territory where they perform their annual mating ritual. But lately the moose have been staying at their feeding grounds until later into the season.
"People haven't had time to harvest moose for winter and then the hunting season shuts down," McNeeley said. "That gives them two choices, either they go without moose … or they have to hunt illegally, which comes with huge penalties if they get caught."
Over the past decade, tribes have sought to shift the hunting season, but their efforts have been almost completely unsuccessful, due largely to biologists' concerns about the effects on the breeding season, she said.
In the lower 48 states, earlier snowmelt and a longer growing season are likely to create conflicts related to water rights, but updating policies will likely be difficult. The fundamental problem is the scarcity of the resource, Douglas Kenney, director of the Western Water Policy Program at the University of Colorado, told AtmosNews, an online publication of NCAR.
"This particular issue of the timing of seasons and phenology and the legal system is something that has been really understudied and I think needs to receive a lot more attention," McNeeley told LiveScience.
Principle 8i
Human Health and Mortality will be Affected
Human health and mortality rates will be affected to different degrees in specific regions of the world as a result of climate change. Although cold-related deaths are predicted to decrease, other risks are predicted to rise. The incidence and geographical range of climate-sensitive infectious diseases—such as malaria, dengue fever, and tick-borne diseases—will increase. Drought-reduced crop yields, degraded air and water quality, and increased hazards in coastal and low-lying areas will contribute to unhealthy conditions, particularly for the most vulnerable populations.
The wide range of climate-related challenges facing every community are enormous and may appear at times to be overwhelming. The U.S. and other militaries around the world recognize climate change as a serious, potentially catastrophic national and global security threat. Read More…
Human Health and Mortality will be Affected
Human health and mortality rates will be affected to different degrees in specific regions of the world as a result of climate change. Although cold-related deaths are predicted to decrease, other risks are predicted to rise. The incidence and geographical range of climate-sensitive infectious diseases—such as malaria, dengue fever, and tick-borne diseases—will increase. Drought-reduced crop yields, degraded air and water quality, and increased hazards in coastal and low-lying areas will contribute to unhealthy conditions, particularly for the most vulnerable populations.
The wide range of climate-related challenges facing every community are enormous and may appear at times to be overwhelming. The U.S. and other militaries around the world recognize climate change as a serious, potentially catastrophic national and global security threat.
Being aware of the complex, diverse issues is the first step toward building robust, resilient communities and protecting ecosystems. Recently, the Preventive Medicine community, which has years of communicating “bad news” about health and environmental risks to relevant organizations and agencies, began to tackle the health impacts of climate change with a special issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. One article is titled “Community-Based Adaptation to the Health Impacts of Climate Change” by Kristie Ebi and Jan Semenza. Their abstract reads:
“The effects of and responses to the health impacts of climate change will affect individuals, communities, and societies. Effectively preparing for and responding to current and projected climate change requires ongoing assessment and action, not a one-time assessment of risks and interventions. To promote resilience to climate change and other community stressors, a stepwise course of action is proposed for community-based adaptation that engages stakeholders in a proactive problem solving process to enhance social capital across local and national levels. In addition to grassroots actions undertaken at the community level, reducing vulnerability to current and projected climate change will require top-down interventions implemented by public health organizations and agencies.”
Climate Change and Health Issues for Tribes in the Great Plains
Human Health Impacts on Great Plains Tribes
Expected increases in hot extremes and heat waves may put the elderly and the very young at an increased risk of illness and death. As life spans increase, people in the elderly category will increase. Another group of people vulnerable to heat extremes are those with diabetes. In Native American communities the adult-onset of diabetes has become pandemic. In tribes in North and South Dakota, one study found the prevalence rate of type-2 diabetes for people aged 45 to 74 to be 33% among men and 40% among women, which is over 4 times the national average.
Another factor that makes tribal communities more vulnerable to extreme heat is the high proportion of inadequate housing that provides little protection against excessive temperatures. Many tribal homes also lack air conditioning or insulation, and residents may not be able to afford the additional costs that air conditioning would entail. Moreover, nationwide, about 14% of Indian households have no access to any electricity, which is ten times the national average (1.4%).
In addition to extreme heat, other anticipated consequences of climate change in the Great Plains include increases in drought severity and frequency and greater wildfire risks. These factors could lead to a rise in respiratory ailments from increases in dust and smoke. Asthma sufferers may be particularly vulnerable, and as with diabetes, rates of asthma among Native Americans are higher than the national average. According to the Office of Minority Health, data from 2004-2008 show that American Indian/National Native adults over 18 years of age were 20% more likely to have asthma than non-Hispanic white adults (14.2% vs. 11.6%) and 40% more likely to die (1.3 vs. 0.9 deaths per 100,000).
Climate change health adaptation strategies include programs like the development of tribal energy efficiency codes and weatherization programs, the building of new housing units to decrease overcrowding, and the construction of better quality housing units overall to protect against the elements. Improvements in infrastructure, such as road-paving and drainage and strengthening communication links and power supplies, would help decrease health risks from natural disasters. Recent efforts by Native Great Plains tribal communities include protecting medicinal plants and transporting them to safe areas, developing sustainable agriculture to address nutritional issues in Native diets, obtaining information about social and environmental stress management as climate change action strategies, and obtaining training from the Federal Emergency Management Agency on the development of Emergency Response Plans.
For good summaries of climate change impacts on human health, click the buttons below   
Around the World: Climate change affects human communities. So does the mining of fossil fuels, which cause climate change. For information on those impacts, visit these sites:

Eight Ways That Climate Change Hurts Humans
From floods and droughts to increases in violent conflict, climate change is taking a toll on the planet's population
By Sarah Zielinski
APRIL 10, 2014
As climate change makes wet places wetter and dry areas drier, the frequency of drought is expected in increase in certain locations. Droughts, such as this one in Kenya in 2006, can increase food insecurity, especially among the poor. (Brendan Cox/Oxfam/)
It can be easy to think of climate change as a far-off, indirect threat that some future human population will have to overcome. And that even then, the effects of climate change won’t be too bad, or that they won’t hurt people. But as the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, emphasizes, the effects of climate change already can be seen, and members of the current human population already are its victims.
Climate change will hurt and even kill humans in a stunning variety of ways. Here are nine (sometimes unexpected) ways climate change will negatively affect people:
Heat waves: Extreme heat can be deadly, particularly among the poor who may not have the luxury of retreating to air-conditioned rooms. In Australia, for example, the number of dangerously hot days is expected to rise from its current average of four to six days per year to 33 to 45 by 2070. That will translate to more deaths: About 500 people died because of heat in Australian cities in 2011; the Australian government has projected 2,000 deaths per year by the middle of this century.
Floods: Climate change tends to make wet areas wetter and dry areas drier, and so there will be an increase in both flooding and droughts. Flooding is one of the most common natural disasters. Floods displace people from their homes, damage and destroy infrastructure and buildings, and take a toll on an economic level. In 2011 alone, 112 million people worldwide were affected by floods, and 3140 people were killed.
Drought: Unlike a flood, drought is rarely a direct killer. But extremely dry conditions that last for months or years can lead to food and water shortages and rising food prices, which can contribute to conflict. Droughts also have huge economic costs, even in developed countries. New Zealand, for instance, lost more than $3 billion from 2007-2009 because of reduced farm output from drought.
Fire: Increased heat increases fire risk, and climate change is expected to bring more wildfires. The current California drought, for instance, has raised the risk of “explosive” wildfires. And it’s not just burns and injuries from the fire that are the problems. “Smoke from forest fires has been linked…with increased mortality and morbidity,” the IPCC authors write in Chapter 11, “Human Health: Impacts, Adaptation, and Co-Benefits” [pdf].
Crop declines and food shortages: Extreme weather events, such as floods and droughts, will lead to declines in some crops in some areas. While this might be an inconvenience for people in developed countries when it comes to foods like limes and avocados, the situation will be far more dire when it comes to crops like corn and wheat and in countries that already struggle to feed their populations. Food shortages and increases in food prices, which increase the number of malnourished people, are a particular concern in those places that already suffering from food insecurity, such as large portions of Africa.
Infectious diseases: “Climate may act directly by influencing growth, survival, persistence, transmission or virulence of pathogens,” the IPCC scientists write in Chapter 11. Mosquitoes are sensitive to climate—as temperatures rise, they'll find favorable habitats in places that were once too cool for them to live, such as higher latitudes and altitudes. The diseases they transmit, such as malaria, dengue fever, and chikungunya fever, will spread with them.
Studies show that even a small amount of warming can increase malaria transmission under the right conditions. Dengue fever is another worry; it’s increased 30-fold in the last 50 years. And thanks to infected travelers' ability to move across the globe, chikungunya fever has already spread from Africa and Asia to the Caribbean, and may be poised to cross into the mainland Americas—a warming climate will exacerbate this new-found lack of isolation.
Food- and water-borne diseases, too, are a concern. For example, heavy rainfall, which will continue to increase as climate changes, can promote the transmission of water-borne diseases, such cholera and others caused by Vibrio bacteria, particularly in places where there aren’t good methods for disposing of human waste.
Mental illness: Climate change can increase stress, and that is a problem when it comes to mental health. “Harsher weather conditions such as floods, droughts, and heat waves tend to increase the stress on all those who are already mentally ill, and may create sufficient stress for some who are not yet ill to become so,” the IPCC researchers write in Chapter 11.
"When you have an environmental insult, the burden of mental health disease is far greater than the physical," Steven Shapiro, a Baltimore psychologist who directs the program on climate change, sustainability and psychology for the nonprofit Psychologists for Social Responsibility (PsySR), told LiveScience earlier this year. "Survivors can have all sorts of issues: post traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, relationship issues, and academic issues among kids." Slow-developing events like droughts have even been linked to increases in suicide.
Violence and conflict: Human violence rarely has a single cause, but many of the effects of climate change have the potential to contribute to conflict—water and food shortages, soil degradation that makes land less suitable for agriculture, the movement of people as they migrate from lands made less habitable. “Climate change can indirectly increase risks of violent conflicts in the form of civil war and inter-group violence by amplifying well-documented drivers of these conflicts such as poverty and economic shocks,” researchers write in the report’s Summary for Policymakers [pdf].
These aren't doomsday scenarios; this isn't fearmongering—we're already seeing an uptick in every item on this list. So anyone hoping to avoid the effects of climate change may be out of luck.

Leading Health Experts Call For Fossil Fuel Divestment to Avert Climate Change
Source: Images
'Divestment rests on the premise that it is wrong to profit from an industry whose core business threatens human and planetary health'
More than 50 of the world’s leading doctors and health researchers called on charities to divest from fossil fuel companies in an open letter Thursday. The letter, published in the Guardian, argues that climate change poses a dire risk to public health and that fossil fuel companies are unlikely to take action to reduce carbon emissions without prodding.
“Divestment rests on the premise that it is wrong to profit from an industry whose core business threatens human and planetary health,” the health experts wrote. The case for divestment brings “to mind one of the foundations of medical ethics—first, do no harm.”
The letter is the latest show of support for efforts to halt climate change from the medical community. Recent research has outlined a variety of public health issues caused by climate change, from heath stroke deaths to increased asthma rates. Just this week a study in The Lancet outlined how climate change could erode 50 years of health advances.
Read More: How College Kids Helped Divest $50 Billion From Fossil Fuels
The open letter alluded to those impacts and suggested that divestment would be the best way for global charities to address them. Engaging with fossil fuel companies’ boards has not been shown to work, the researcher wrote, likening the oil industry to the tobacco industry.
“Our primary concern is that a decision not to divest will continue to bolster the social licence of an industry that has indicated no intention of taking meaningful action,” researchers wrote.
The long list of signatories include the editors of The Lancet and BMJ, leading medical journals, as well as medical professors from across the United Kingdom.The letter specifically calls on the Wellcome Trust and the Gates Foundation, two nonprofits that are leading contributors to global health causes, to divestment their multi-billion endowments from fossil fuel companies. Together the companies control total endowments worth more than $70 billion.
Principle 8j
What Difference Does Half a Degree in Warming Make?
What's the difference between a two-degree world and a 1.5-degree world? The Paris climate conference in 2015 pledged not just to keep warming “well below 2 °C,” but also to "pursue efforts" to limit warming to 1.5 °C.
But how much of a difference can half a degree Celsius make? First, let's do the conversion to °F since that's the units used in the U.S.: 2 °C = 3.6°F and 1.5 °C = 2.7 °F.
So in degrees Fahrenheit, we're talking about a difference of less than 1°F (.9 °F to be exact). That doesn't sound like much of a difference. But adding half a degree of heat to the world's climate system turns out to make an enormous difference. Here's what the science says:
What Difference Does Half a Degree in Warming Make?
Hot Weather
A study last year by Erich Fischer of the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science in Zurich found that the risk of what was “once in a thousand days” hot weather has already increased fivefold. His modelling suggests that it will double again at 1.5 degrees and double once more as we go from 1.5 to 2 degrees. The probability of even more extreme events increases even faster.
At two degrees, parts of southwest Asia, including well-populated regions of the Persian Gulf and Yemen, may become literally uninhabitable without permanent air conditioning.
The same will be true for droughts, says Carl-Friedrich Schleussner of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany. Last year, he reported that the extra half-degree would produce dramatic increases in the likely length of dry spells over wide areas of the globe, including the Mediterranean, Central America, the Amazon basin, and southern Africa, with resulting declines in river flows from a third to a half. Schleussner concluded that going from 1.5 to 2 degrees “marks the difference between events at the upper limit of present-day natural variability and a new climate regime, particularly in tropical regions.”
Some researchers predict a massive decline in the viability of food crops critical for human survival. The extra half-degree could cut corn yields in parts of Africa by half, says Bruce Campbell of the International Center for Tropical Agriculture. Schleussner found that even in the prairies of the U.S., the risk of poor corn yields would double.
Ecosystems would feel the difference too. Take tropical coral reefs, which already regularly come under stress because of high ocean temperatures, suffering “bleaching” especially during El Nino events – as happened on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia this year. Most can now recover when the waters cool again, but today’s exceptional temperature may soon become the new normal. “Virtually all tropical coral reefs are projected to be at risk of severe degradation due to temperature-induced bleaching from 2050 onwards,” as warming slips past 1.5 degrees, reports Schleussner.
By some estimates, curbing warming at 1.5 degrees could be sufficient to prevent the formation of an ice-free Arctic in summer, to save the Amazon rainforest, and to prevent the Siberian tundra from melting and releasing planet-warming methane from its frozen depths. It could also save many coastal regions and islands from permanent inundation by rising sea levels, particularly in the longer run.
In 2100, the difference in sea level rise between 1.5 and 2 degrees would be relatively small: 40 centimeters versus 50 centimeters. But centuries later, as the impact of warmer air temperatures on the long-term stability of the great ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica takes hold, it would be far greater. Michiel Schaeffer of Climate Analytics, a Berlin-based think tank, calculates that by 2300, two degrees would deliver sea level rise of 2.7 meters, while 1.5 degrees would limit the rise to 1.5 meters.
Principle 8k
A Summary of Impacts

Principle 8l
Local Relevance
Climate Change Impacts
Connecticut • Delaware • Maine • Massachusetts • New Hampshire • New Jersey • New York • Pennsylvania • Rhode Island • Vermont • West Virginia • District of Columbia
The following is a compilation of climate change impacts occurring right here, right now in the Northeast, as well as projected impacts, economic and human health consequences, and notable recent events. Over 64 million people are concentrated in the Northeast and are already beginning to experience climate change impacts. These include record temperatures, more extreme precipitation events, and coastal flooding due to sea level rise and storm surge.
Extreme Heat
Right Here, Right Now
- The Northeast is especially prone to have large increases in unusually hot summers.
- Between 1895 and 2011, temperatures in the Northeast increased by almost 2°F (0.16°F per decade).
- In the continental U.S., 26 states have warmed more than 2°F since 1970, and 16 (including 10 from the Northeast) have warmed more than 2.5°F.
- Until 2004, ocean temperatures in the Gulf of Maine were increasing by about 0.05 degrees per year since 1982, about in line with worldwide trends. In 2004, the pace accelerated to about a half-degree per year — nearly 10 times faster. Scientists say the waters are heating up faster than 99 percent of the world’s oceans.
- If emissions continue to increase, warming of 4.5°F to 10°F is projected by the 2080s in the Northeast; if global emissions were reduced substantially, projected warming ranges from about 3°F to 6°F by the 2080s.
- Much of the southern portion of the region, including the majority of Maryland and Delaware, and southwestern West Virginia and New Jersey, are projected by mid-century to experience more than 60 additional days per year above 90°F compared to the end of last century under continued increases in emissions.
- Seasonal drought risk is projected to increase in summer and fall as higher temperatures lead to greater evaporation and earlier winter and spring snowmelt.
- By mid-century, the average resident in the Northeast will likely see between 4.7 and 16 additional days over 95°F. By late century this range will likely jump to between 17 and 59 additional days.
- Increased heat will be especially severe in cities and metro regions with more than 1 million people, where high concentrations of concrete and lack of natural cooling systems like streams and forests create an “urban heat island” effect that can raise average temperatures by as much as 5.4°F during the day and 22°F in the evening over the surrounding rural areas.
- In Manhattan temperature changes alone may lead to a 50 to 91% increase in heat-related deaths by the 2080s relative to a 1980s baseline.
- The Gulf of Maine's temperature is expected to rise more than 4 degrees by the end of the century.
- Higher temperatures permit weeds, insects, and crop diseases to thrive and to expand their ranges northward. Weed control costs the U.S. more than $11 billion a year, with the majority spent on herbicides. This cost is likely to increase as temperatures rise.
- Winter snow and ice sports, which contribute some $7.6 billion annually to the regional economy, will be particularly affected by warming.
- Ski resorts in the Northeast have three climate-related criteria to remain viable: the average length of the ski season must be at least 100 days; there must be a good probability of being open during the winter holiday between Christmas and the New Year; and there must be enough nights that are sufficiently cold to enable snowmaking operations. A comprehensive study on northeastern U.S. ski resorts estimates that only four out of 14 major ski resorts will remain profitable by 2100 under a higher-emissions scenario.
- Between 2000 and 2010, the difference in skier visits between low snowfall years and high snowfall years ranged from 9 percent in Vermont to 24 percent in Connecticut and Rhode Island combined. In northern New England (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont), low snowfall cost the region more than 1,700 jobs, compared to high-snowfall years and $108 million in economic value added to this region.
- As tree species migrate northward or to higher elevations, habitats of alpine and sub-alpine spruce-fir could possibly be eliminated. If Northeast forests shift to oak and hickory species, the pulp/wood fiber industry could experience large losses, in turn impacting the rural communities who depend on these industries for their livelihoods.
- Massachusetts and New Jersey supply nearly half the nation’s cranberry crop. By the middle of this century, these areas may not be able to support cranberry production due to lack of winter chilling.
- The warming of the Gulf of Maine threatens a three-state industry valued at more than $1 billion in 2012, a year in which fishermen caught more than 550 million pounds, NOAA statistics say.

Impacts to Human Health and Wellbeing
- Against the backdrop of the widespread climatic warming trend, the urban heat island phenomenon poses further risks for people who, by living in cities, may experience even hotter temperatures. Of 60 cities analyzed in the U.S., Baltimore has the third fastest growing heat island effect with a 0.66°F increase per decade; Washington DC has the sixth most intense urban heat island effect, with a 4.7°F temperature difference between its urban and rural temperature stations; and Philadelphia has the eighth fastest growing overnight urban heat island effect with a 0.64°F increase per decade.
- Summertime heat in U.S. cities can lead to increased ground-level ozone concentrations. Increased ground-level ozone due to warming is projected to increase emergency department visits for ozone-related asthma in children (0 to 17 years of age) by 7.3% by the 2020s relative to a 1990 baseline of approximately 650 visits in the New York metropolitan area.
- The number of days in the ragweed pollen season has increased as ragweed's range has moved north.
- The deer population that serves as a host for deer ticks carrying Lyme disease has increased likely due to milder temperatures.
- Suitable habitat for the Asian Tiger Mosquito, which can transmit West Nile and other vector-borne diseases, is expected to increase in the Northeast from the current 5% to 16% in the next two decades and from 43% to 49% by the end of the century, exposing more than 30 million people to the threat of dense infestations by this species.
- From January to September of 2012, the Northeast experienced more record high temperatures than record low temperatures. Maryland experienced 41 times more record high temperatures than record low temperatures; Connecticut experienced 35 times more record highs than record lows; and Maine experienced 28 times more record highs than record lows.
- In March 2012 (the warmest March recorded in the U.S.) Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont each had their warmest March on record.
- Fueled by extreme heat, the derecho event in late June of 2012 slammed 700 miles of the U.S. with violent winds that left 22 dead and millions without power. Washington D.C., one of the areas most affected by the derecho, set a June record high temperature during that time.
- In 2011, eight states in the Northeast had September temperatures among their ten hottest on record: Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
Extreme Precipitation and Storms
Right Here, Right Now
- The Northeast has experienced a greater recent increase in extreme precipitation than any other region in the United States; between 1958 and 2010, the Northeast saw more than a 70% increase in the amount of precipitation falling in very heavy events (defined as the heaviest 1% of all daily events).
- Between 1895 and 2011, precipitation increased by approximately five inches, or more than 10% (0.4 inches per decade).

Projected Trends
- A range of model projections for the end of this century under a higher emissions scenario, averaged over the region, suggests about 5% to 20% (25th to 75th percentile of model projections) increases in winter precipitation.
- With continued growth in global emissions, two studies found a significant increase in seasonal air temperature, leading to a significant increase in winter precipitation, and a decrease in summer precipitation across the Northeast by mid-century relative to the end of the twentieth century.
- Excess precipitation, both in the form of short bursts or through increased amounts over longer episodes, can be just as damaging for agriculture as too little precipitation, leading to increased erosion and decreased soil quality.Corn is susceptible to excess water in the early growth stages, which can result in reduced growth or even plant death.
- Increased humidity and frequency of heavy rainfall events projected for the Northeast will tend to favor some leaf and root pathogens affecting crops, while also reducing the efficacy of fungicides, requiring more frequent applications.
- Federal taxpayers are supporting the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which is already at least $24 billion dollars in debt. This number is likely to rise to nearly $30 billion once all Hurricane Sandy claims are settled. State taxpayers must also share in the costs of supporting state-run flood insurance plans.
- According to Munich Re, Hurricane Sandy was the worst storm to hit the Northeast since the Great New England Hurricane of 1938; some estimates put economic losses and damages at $65 billion.
- Damages due to Hurricane Sandy were concentrated in New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut, and were estimated at $60 to $80 billion. It is also estimated that 650,000 homes were damaged or destroyed, and that 8.5 million people were without power.
- Extreme rainfall events can lower farmers’ yields by damaging crops and infrastructure. Extreme events can also delay spring planting, lowering profits for farmers paying a premium for early season production of high-value crops such as melon, sweet corn, and tomatoes.
- Hurricane Sandy was responsible for 147 deaths, 72 of which occurred in the Northeast.
- During Hurricane Irene in 2011, government officials ordered evacuations totaling 370 thousand in New York City, 100 thousand in Delaware, 315 thousand in Maryland and one million in New Jersey.
- In August 2014, a potent storm system passed through the Northeast bringing historic floods and record rainfall. Baltimore experienced devastating floods and its second-rainiest day since measurements were first taken in 1871, with 6.3 inches of rain reported. Long Island received more rain in one day than it would normally see in an entire summer, with the town of Islip setting a new 24-hour precipitation record at 13.57 inches. Hurricane Irene’s torrential rainfall in 2011 caused record-breaking inland flooding in many of the same states that experienced the heaviest rainfall during this storm. In May 2014, multiple rounds of severe weather also hit the region. Extreme rainfall, in some cases a month’s worth or more in a few hours, caused flash flooding that significantly damaged buildings and shut down roads.
- Due to an unusually wet spring in 2014, only 5% of potatoes had been planted in New York by early May compared to the 5-year average of 42%. In Pennsylvania only 34% of apple trees were in full bloom versus the 5-year average of 91%. By mid-May, the strawberry crop had been delayed 1-3 weeks across the region, causing a shortened berry-picking season.
- During Hurricane Sandy, rainfall records were set in Philadelphia, Atlantic City (more than doubling a 104-year old record), Wilmington, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, Rochester and Buffalo. The Wilmington and Atlantic City records were all-time October daily rainfall records.
- The “Great October Snowstorm” of 2011 produced more than 30 inches of heavy, wet snowfall in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, killing at least 22 people.
- 2011 was the wettest year in recorded history for Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York.
Sea Level Rise
Right Here, Right Now
- Coastal flooding has increased due to a rise in sea level of approximately 1 foot since 1900. This rate of sea level rise exceeds the global average of approximately 8 inches, due primarily to land subsidence.
- By 2030, more than half of 52 communities analyzed in a Union of Concerned Scientists report on both the East and Gulf Coasts can expect to average more than two-dozen tidal floods per year. The rise in the frequency of tidal flooding represents an extremely steep increase for many of these communities. In the next 15 years alone, two-thirds of these communities could see a tripling or more in the number of high-tide floods each year.
- Sea level rise along most of the coastal Northeast is expected to exceed the global average rise, projected at 1 to 4 feet by 2100.
- A two feet rise in global sea level by 2100 would result in a relative sea level rise of 2.3 feet at New York City and2.9 feet at Hampton Roads, Virginia.
- Sea level rise of two feet, without any changes in storms, would more than triple the frequency of dangerous coastal flooding throughout most of the Northeast.
- If we continue on our current path, sea levels in New York City will likely rise by an additional 0.9 to 1.6 feet by mid-century, and between 2.1 to 4.2 feet by the end of the century.
- New Jersey faces even greater risks due to the combination of sea level rise and groundwater withdrawal. On our current path, it is likely that Atlantic City will see 2.4 to 4.5 feet of sea level rise by the end of the century.
- Sea level rise threatens the Northeast’s major cities and industries, many of which are on the water. 88% of the population of this region lives in coastal counties, and 68% of the region’s Gross Domestic Product is generated in those counties.
- Higher sea levels can expand the reach of storm-related flooding and make storms more damaging. On our current path, additional projected sea level rise will likely increase average annual property losses from hurricanes and other coastal storms for the region by $6 to $9 billion by 2100.
- In the Mid-Atlantic part of the Northeast region alone, estimates suggest that between 450,000 and 2.3 million people are at risk from a three foot sea level rise, which is in the range of projections for this century.
- As sea levels rise, the Chesapeake Bay region is expected to experience an increase in coastal flooding and drowning of estuarine wetlands. The Chesapeake Bay is the largest U.S. estuary, with a drainage basin that extends over six states. It provides sources of food for people and the region’s other inhabitants, and cooling water for the energy sector.

Recent Events
- During Hurricane Sandy, nearly 14 feet of storm surge flooded all three New York City-area airports and much of Manhattan’s subway system.
- Hurricane Irene produced a storm surge that ranged between 3.3 to 4.5 feet along the eastern Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey coasts with the highest reported storm surge (4.7 feet) reported at Sandy Hook, NJ.
Click the button below to learn what the National Climate Assessment says about the Northeast  
Principle 8m
Misconceptions about this Principle
The Misconception
Global warming will be good for humans
The misconception or myth goes something like this: “…Two thousand years of published human histories say that warm periods were good for people. It was the harsh, unstable Dark Ages and Little Ice Age that brought bigger storms, untimely frost, widespread famine and plagues of disease.”
The Science
Scientist predict climate change will bring many more costs than benefits.
The science says: climate change will have many more costs than benefits. While it is expected that global warming may bring a few benefits in the short term, it is expected that over the longer term, it will bring few or no benefits to human society and instead will do great harm at considerable cost. Learn more…
The Science
Scientist predict climate change will bring many more costs than benefits.
The science says: climate change will have many more costs than benefits. While it is expected that global warming may bring a few benefits in the short term, it is expected that over the longer term, it will bring few or no benefits to human society and instead will do great harm at considerable cost.
- AgricultureWhile CO2 is essential for plant growth, all agriculture depends also on steady water supplies, and climate change is likely to disrupt those supplies through floods and droughts. It has been suggested that higher latitudes – Siberia, for example – may become productive due to global warming, but the soil in Arctic and bordering territories is very poor, and the amount of sunlight reaching the ground in summer will not change because it is governed by the tilt of the earth. Agriculture can also be disrupted by wildfires and changes in seasonal periodicity, which is already taking place, and changes to grasslands and water supplies will impact grazing and welfare of domestic livestock. Increased warming may also have a greater effect on countries whose climate is already near or at a temperature limit over which yields reduce or crops fail – in the tropics or sub-Sahara, for example.
Source: - HealthWarmer winters would mean fewer deaths, particularly among vulnerable groups like the aged. However, the same groups are also vulnerable to additional heat, and deaths attributable to heat waves are expected to be approximately five times as great as winter deaths prevented. It is widely believed that warmer climes will encourage migration of disease-bearing insects like mosquitoes. Malaria (transmitted by mosquitoes) is already appearing in places it hasn’t been seen before.
Source: - Polar MeltingWhile the opening of a year-round ice-free Arctic passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans would confer some commercial benefits, these are considerably outweighed by the negatives. Detrimental effects include loss of polar bear habitat and increased mobile ice hazards to shipping. The loss of ice albedo (the reflection of heat), causing the ocean to absorb more heat, is also a feedback loop that furthers warming—with enormous and potentially catastrophic consequences; the warming waters increase glacier and Greenland ice cap melt and raise the temperature of Arctic tundra. Warmer tundra then releases methane, a very potent greenhouse gas (methane is also released from the sea-bed, where it is trapped in ice-crystals called clathrates). Melting of the Antarctic ice shelves is predicted to add further to sea-level rise with no benefits accruing.
Source: - Ocean AcidificationA cause for considerable concern, there appear to be no benefits to the change in pH of the oceans. This process is caused by additional CO2 being absorbed in the water, and may have severe destabilizing effects on the entire oceanic food-chain.
Source: - Melting GlaciersThe effects of glaciers melting are largely detrimental, the principle impact being that one-sixth of the world’s population depends on fresh water supplied each year by natural spring melt and regrowth cycles. Melting glaciers mean those water supplies, used as drinking water and for agriculture, may fail.
Source: - Sea-level RiseMany parts of the world are low-lying and will be severely affected by modest sea rises. Rice paddies are being inundated with salt water, which destroys the crops. Seawater is contaminating rivers as it mixes with fresh water further upstream, and aquifers used for drinking water and agriculture are becoming polluted. Given that the IPCC did not include melt-water from the Greenland and Antarctic ice-caps due to uncertainties at that time, estimates of sea-level rise are feared to considerably underestimate the scale of the problem. There are no proposed benefits to sea-level rise.
Source: - EnvironmentalPositive effects of climate change may include greener rain forests and enhanced plant growth in the Amazon, increased vegetation in northern latitudes and possible increases in plankton biomass in some parts of the ocean. Negative responses may include further growth of oxygen-poor ocean zones, contamination or exhaustion of fresh water, increased incidence of natural fires, extensive vegetation die-off due to droughts, increased risk of coral extinction, decline in global phytoplankton, changes in migration patterns of birds and animals, changes in seasonal periodicity, disruption to food chains and species loss.
Source: - EconomicThe economic impacts of climate change may be catastrophic, while there have been very few benefits projected at all. The Stern report made clear the overall pattern of economic distress, and while the specific numbers may be contested, the costs of climate change were far in excess of the costs of preventing it. Certain scenarios projected in the IPCC AR4 report would witness massive migration as low-lying countries were flooded. Disruptions to global trade, transport, energy supplies and labour markets, banking and finance, investment and insurance, would all wreak havoc on the stability of both developed and developing nations. Markets would endure increased volatility and institutional investors such as pension funds and insurance companies would experience considerable difficulty.
Developing countries, some of which are already embroiled in military conflict, may be drawn into larger and more protracted disputes over water, energy supplies or food, all of which may disrupt economic growth at a time when developing countries are beset by more egregious manifestations of climate change. It is widely accepted that the detrimental effects of climate change will be visited largely on the countries least equipped to adapt, socially or economically.
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